Liberty Lake Lions Club
Community Service
Each year, the Liberty Lake Lions Club takes an active role in supporting our community, but we can only do that with your support. This spring, we could use your support in tackling childhood Diabetes. This fundraiser is geared toward Camp STYX and gives children with Diabetes a chance to learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of our other activities in Liberty Lake:
- Sight- eye exams & glasses for those who can not afford them
- Hearing - hearing exams and hearing aids for the needy
- Sensory- we sponsor and maintain the sensory garden next to the city hall
- Diabetes- we contribute to Camp STIX for students to learn how to manage diabetes
- Character- we sponsor PACE (partners advancing character education) in our schools
- Community Cleanup- we pick up garbage around the golf course
- Childhood Cancer- we contribute to the Ronald McDonald House
- Family Support- we annually assist a family during the holidays
What can you do to support us in these important community activities? It's easy to go online and purchase items from one of the websites below.
Thank you for your support!
President Liberty Lake Lion's Club
Liberty Lake Lion's Club, PO Box 208, Liberty Lake, WA 99019