

The Lions Club of Leesburg
District 13-J
The Lions Club of Leesburg was organized on February 21, 1940. The Lions Club International Commissioner handling the organizational duties was Hal Walter.
According to records, the official Charter Night was held on April 17, 1940 with 35 members. There were four sponsoring clubs, Manchester, Wilmington, Washington Court House and Grove City.
The first club officers were President,  John P Dewey; 1st VP, T. G. Goldsberry; 2nd VP, Ira B. Young; 3rd VP, Louis A Pausch, Sr.; Secretary, Henry M. Pausch; Treasurer, C. Richard Sturm; Lion Tamer, C. W. Feller; Tail Twister, Henry H. Huff; Directors: 2 yr., Mack Sauer and T. D. Ockerman; 1 yr., Wm. K. West and Paul Narcross; Committee Chairmen: Charter Night, Wm. K. West; Membership, T. D. Ockerman; Financial, Louis A. Pausch, Sr.; Constitution and By-Laws, S. A. Ringer.
The club meetings were held at Turner’s Café, owned and operated by one of the club’s charter members Hugh (Chief) Turner, Sr. After closing of the restaurant around 1960, the club has met at Lytle’s Restaurant, The Friendly Village Inn, the American Legion and is meeting presently at the United Methodist Church.
Soon after the club was chartered, it purchased a three acre tract of land on the eastern edge of the Village, deeding it to the town council. The club also agreed to pay half the cost of developing a Roadside Park. For many years the State maintained the park, but recently the village took on the responsibility of the park’s maintenance.
The Leesburg Lions is a community based service organization, but is also part of Lions Clubs International. Not only does the club support many local causes, we contribute to State, National and International community service work. The Lions motto is “We Serve”.
The club has also provided Leadership to District 13-J, a 14 county area in Southern Ohio and Multiple District 13, the Ohio Lions.  
Lion Richard Kisamore has served in several district positions and served as the Governor in 1996-97. Richard also served on State Committees, including Leadership and Finance and Long Range Planning. Lion Richard served as the State Treasurer in 2004-05. Richard is a Melvin Jones Fellow.
Lion Ron Barber served as District Governor in 2004-05. Ron also has served on numerous district and state committees. He also served as State Council Chairman in 2005-06. Ron is a progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
The club is providing another Governor to the District for 2009-10. Lion Charles Newland is currently serving in that position. 
In 2010 the club will celebrate 70 years of continuous service. The members of the club are proud of our heritage and hope to carry on the great tradition of Lionism in the Leesburg area.
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