Order 911 Signs Online
The club is also offering online ordering of 911 signs, click for the order form.
Give New Sight, New Hearing, New Breath
Christmas Wreaths
What a difference a month makes
Consecutive dinner meetings bring three new members, Baby Lion Tracy, Lion Dena and Lions Ralf
Lions host Special Olympics Pancake Breakfast
Lawrencetown Lions Plant Trees with Lions around the world
Students from Lawrenctown Consolidated School assist Lion Karel plant just a few of the trees planted by Lawrenctown Lions this fall.
Port George Jamboree
Lawrencetown Lions on parking and supper duty at Port George Jamboree.
Lawrencetown Canada Day 2019
Lions taking part in the Canada Day celebrations in the Village of Lawrencetown. Thanks Lions Jane, Wendy, Sandra, Simon, Andrew, Frank, Dave
Lawrencetown Lions Bursary
For 2019 the Lawrencetown Lions Bursary was presented to 2 local achievers at the BRCS Graduation ceremony. Well done to Spencer Cress and Tanner Cress.
New Years Day Free Skate
Free Skate 1-3pm, sponsored by Lawrencetown Lions Club. Hot Chocolate will be served. Lawrencetown Youth Arena
Fund Raiser Pancake Breakfast - Ticket Auction
Lawrencetown and District Lions Club recently hosted a benefit pancake breakfast for Jack Fucsek, a four-year-old boy with Bilateral Frontoparietal Polymicrogyria, which means he has many small folds in his brain. Quadriplegic cerebral palsy is his secondary diagnosis.
But Jack is so much more than his diagnosis. He is a happy, smiley, social and charismatic child who loves showing off his talking computer and being around classmates and friends.
Organizers had hoped to raise $3,000 for a much-needed P pod chair to allow Jack a comfortable seating option. The outpouring of generosity was humbling. In total, at press time, $6,687.36 was collected from free-will donations, a silent auction and a 50/50 draw and donations are still coming in.
The doors opened at 8 a.m. and for two hours the fire hall was filled. The Lions were scrambling to fill all the pancake orders but it was a labour of love. An overwhelming sense of pride could be felt as this small community came together to help this family.
Also, while canvassing local businesses for prizes for the silent auction, a generous benefactor decided to purchase the P Pod chair for Jack. After discussing a needs assessment with Jack’s family, it was determined the money raised would go towards a Gait Trainer ($2,900) and a rolling floor mount ($1,435) for his eye gaze talking computer. The Gait Trainer will hold Jack in an upright position so he can walk and play with his classmates. The rolling floor mount will allow Jack to communicate with his computer securely held while using any piece of equipment. The remaining funds will go towards a toileting system ($2,125).
Jack’s family and the Lawrencetown and District Lions Club thank everyone for use of facilities and everyone for their generous support. The response was overwhelming and if you looked carefully at the event you would see a few tears. What a proud moment to be a member of this small community with a big heart.
Port George Jamboree
Lawrencetown Lions assistied with parking and preparing and serving supper.
The Gavel Passes
King Lion Karel (17-18) passes the![]() |
Lions help the village celebrate Canada Day 2018
King Lion Wendy cooks up hot dogs. |
Lions Andrew, Rose and Karel ready to serve hotdogs. |
Lions cater lunch for Rural Women event
The Lions enjoyed catering a turkey dinner followed by an excellent strawberry trifle for the Rural Women event in Lawrencetown on April 24 2018
Lions Sponsor Shinny Hockey Tournament
Lion Walter drops the puck for the end of season Shinny Hockey Tournament at the Lawrencetown Youth Arena.
Official visit from the District Governor
Lawrencetown Lions welcomed District Govenor Lion Rhonda Trickett for our dinner meeting on February 6th 2018. The club was proud to welcome many Lions from up and down the valley to celebrate this occasion with us. To celebrate the occasion The District Govenor was presented with a spoon carved from elm wood by Lion Andrew. Before they were taken by disease elm trees lined Main St in Lawrencetown.
Christmas Wreaths
The club sold out of Christmas wreaths in the first week of December 2017.
Parking for 4-H Pro Show 2017
September 29 will see 4-H members from all over Nova Scotia descend on the Annapolis Valley Exhibition Grounds in Lawrencetown for their provincial show. Lawrencetown Lions Club will be on hand to help with parking through the three day event. If you would like to help please visit our parking page.
Lawrencetown Canada Day 2017
Lawrencetown Lions enjoyed helping the people of their village to celebrate Canada's 150th Anniversary.
Lions Simon and Sandra finish setting up for the musical entertainment while Lions Jim and Dave take a well earned 5 minute break after transporting the kids train and setting it up. Just a few minutes to go before the celebrations start. In the kitchen Lions Jane, Rose and Wendy are preparing food. After setting chairs, tables and all sorts of celebration paraphernalia King Lion Karel is taking a break beghind the camera.
New King Lion Karel
July 1st is upon us, Lawrencetown Lions celebrate Canada's 150th anniversary and the start a new Lion's year.
The Lions can look back with affection and appreciation at the hard work of Lion John MacDonald as King Lion for the past year, his leadership has made it a Lion's year of great success for the club, not least in setting a new record for membership.
The Lions year 17-18 sees the return of Lion Karel Deneve for a second stint as King Lion. Lawrencetown Lions look forward to a year full to the brim with service for our community but also, going by the laughter caught in his face here, plenty of fun along the way.
Two Lawrencetown Lions Honoured with District Awards
During the District Lions Convention in Bridgewater this April District Governor Claire Brunelle presented 4 International President's Certificates of Appreciation to Lions across Nova Scotia for their outstanding service. Two of the four certificates were awarded to members of the Lawrencetown & District Lions Club. Lion Jane Gregory was a recipient recognizing her for organizing and hosting the District Fall Cabinet Meeting in October 2016 and Lion Tracey Carocci was recognized for her great work as editor of the District Newsletter "The N S Lion". Assisting with the presentation is Past International Director Bruce Beck.
Lawrencetown Lions Cook up a Christmas Storm
There is nothing a pride of slightly exhausted Lions like to do more than cook and serve Christmas Dinner. The club’s busy week started with with highway cleanup on Thursday, followed by the required tick check; (on an individual basis before anybody assumes Lawrencetown Lions have taken to grooming each other). This was followed on Saturday by the annual Food Bank Drive, with Lions touring the area in the glorious sunshine accepting donations from many in our community. A huge thank you to all who contributed food and money to the Twelve Baskets Food Bank.
Then the week took a strange twist, Lions started talking about Christmas dinner, perhaps they were delirious after so much hard work, some of it out in the noon day sun. Led by Lion Wendy Owen food was prepared and cooked, and the Lions headed for Lawrencetown Consolidated School with turkey dinner for 150. As they arrived, slightly sheepishly, can one say that about a lion?, the faint strains of Christmas songs could be heard. Taking up station at the serving hatch the Lion’s wondered if they were early for Christmas 2017 or late for Christmas 2016. Perhaps it was April 1st and the Lions were the April fools.
Soon some grade 5 students appeared, some wearing reindeer antlers and others elf hats, which reassured the Lions. The students enthusiastically got into the spirit of the delayed turkey dinner and had great fun serving the dinner to the school. With a little prompting, some even sang Christmas songs as they served. Principal Karen Baker also sported reindeer antlers and enjoyed the occasion by helping serve.
After clearing up the Lions returned to their homes, some secretly hoping that Santa might have been fooled into calling and leaving presents for them. Sorry Lions, still over 200 sleeps and lots of opportunities to have fun serving our community before Christmas Day.
The area covered by Lawrencetown & District Lions Club has a population which is numbered in hundreds rather than thousands. Despite this the Lawrencetown club is not one of the smallest in the the province. Many would say the club attracts members because it punches above its weight, one might claim this as a characteristic of the Village of Lawrencetown which hosts arguably the best agricultural exhibition in the province and Canada's largest geomatics-focused learning environment, (COGS)
On Tuesday April 4, the Lawrencetown Lions club hosted the Zone meeting for the western end of the Annapolis Valley, these events are usually low key affairs with representatives from the six clubs in the zone. On this occasion, the club was honoured with representatives from five additional clubs travelling from as far as HRM to join us for the Dinner Meeting. The club was honoured by the presence of 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Perry Oliver and five Past District Governors. It was almost a full house when seventy eight hungry Lions sat down to eat at the Legion.
After dinner, Club Secretary Lion Jane Gregory presented 150 children’s books donated by First Book Canada to Family Matters represented by Denise Naugler, Program and Partnership Director for Family Matters who joined the Lions for dinner and shared news of the exciting developments for school age children at Family Matters.
For the first time in the history of Lawrencetown Lions Club membership reached 30 with the induction by Zone Chair Diane Dempsey of Laura McLarnon. Club members welcomed Lion Laura into the club with great enthusiasm and joy. The club also celebrated member Lion Tracey Carocci’s election unopposed as Chair of our Zone for the new Lion’s year starting July 1 and the candidacy of member Lion Jane Gregory for 2nd Vice District Governor for Nova Scotia.
Club President King Lion John MacDonald presented Lion Simon Goodfellow with Honorary Life Membership of the Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia for his service to Lions and the community this year including Chairing the Membership and PR committees.
In addition to the food, the celebrations, the round of reports and a little business, Lions enjoyed some fun with a 50/50 raising $84 for the club and an auction of three
donated items raising more than $160 for the Lions Foundation of Nova Scotia on behalf of the Zone.
In many ways 2016 has been no different than any of the other thirty years Lawrencetown & District Lions Club has been in existence. Members have worked hard to raise money through local events, parking services, Christmas wreath sales, catering services to name but a few, alongside of many projects serving the local community. Members have been busy, but it is only through the generosity of local people that the club has funds that can be given to many local causes. The Lions Club thanks the people of Lawrencetown and surrounding communities for their generosity.
During the year the Lions Club has been able to give to local activities for children, at the school, rink and elsewhere; to provide an annual bursary; support local families in need; provide resources for village events including Canada Day.
The Lions rounded off the year with a $1,000 donation to Trans County Transportation Society (TCTS). King Lion John MacDonald said “Lions take pride in serving others and we are honoured to be supporting TCTS who serve those in our communities that have difficulty getting to Medical appointments due to disabilities or financial circumstances.” On accepting the donation Debbie Decker, General Manager of TCTS, said “We reached out to service clubs such as Lions when we had an immediate shortfall in finance for the medical shuttle, It is largely due to support from Lawrencetown Lions and others that we at TCTS are able to maintain the medical shuttle and our community has continued access to this vital service.”
The Lions are already working hard on 2017 to ensure they are able to serve the local community better with their energies and efforts and with the funds they raise.