Photo Gallery
Charter Night 7/10/10. Nevada District Governor Jack Epperson inducts new LV Centennial Hills Club members as sponsors PDG Audrey Williams and Guiding Lion Linda Williams look on.
Charter Night 7/10/10. Installing Officer PID Dave Roberts with IPDG Ann Roberts,
Charter Night. PID Dave Roberts (MD 21 - Arizona) installs new Club Secretary Padma Schaudt as IPDG Ann Roberts and Treasurer Racquel Barcelona look on
IPDG Ann presents VP Jessie Argueta with symbol of office.
Charter Night. IPDG Susan presents Club Charter to President Bryan Lawe.
PDG Audrey presents "Thank You" to Guest Speaker and Installing Officer PID Dave Roberts of Arizona.
Los Prados President Bob Knipes and Guiding Lion Sam Thomas present Centennial Hills Charter President Bryan Lawe with Club Banner.
Charter Night - Club Organizer PDG Audrey Williams and Guiding Lions Sam Thomas and Linda Williams presnt Charter President Bryan Lawe with Bell and Gavel
LV Chinatown Club President Grace Tam presents one of many local club gifts to the new Centennial Hills Club
Region III Chair Judi DePew of the Mesquite-Virgin Valley Club presnts club gift to new club.