Marinwood CERT Over the past year, we have collected approximately 300 email addresses of Marinwood and Lucas Valley Estates residents. However, there are over 1,700 homes in our community, and we need your help so that we can reach more households. Please ask your immediate neighbors and others living in our community if they are on the CERT email list. If they are not, encourage them to join. Ask them if you may send their name, street address, and email address to the CERT committee at If you see errors in your name or address information in any of the messages we send you, we apologize. Please report these errors to so we can correct them. Why we are collecting contact information We need first name, last name, and email address information for our electronic mailing list. We need street address information to determine the CERT Area of each household, because many communications will be directed to specific CERT Areas within the greater community. Contact information will not be shared with anyone outside of CERT or used for non-CERT purposes. Thanks again for being a part of Marinwood CERT! Follow us on the web at Best regards, The Marinwood/Lucas Valley Estates CERT Committee John Hammond Cameron Case Les Mize Sharon Hall Stu Quan Justin Ganz Bill Seawell John Buckley Krista Fechner Nathan Moody Chuck Walker |