
Annual Flatlanders Frolic- Each year the Frolic attracts thousands of visitors to our wonderful community we serve. Held on Labor Day weekend, you will find plenty to see, buy, eat and enjoy while you are in our community during this time.  The Frolic originated in 1971 with the help of six founders: Lion Ben Copeland, Lion Larry Lee, Lion Helen Strickland, the late Lion John Strickland, former Lion Donald Patten and former Lion J. H. (Sandy) Sanders. Led by the Lions President at that time, Tom Kell, they started the framework of what we all enjoy today.  

Annual Milltown Open- The annual golf tournament is a highlight of the year for the area golfers. This is a joint effort with the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce that allows everyone to enjoy a great day of fun, food and fellowship in the spring on our local Circlestone Country Club seated near Adel. The Club also sponsors a team of boys from the local high school golf team to play as well.

Sight- With the aid of Dr. Tim Sellars, another Lions from nearby Adel, the Lion Club has assisted multiple persons in eye exams and glasses. Fulfilling the Lions goal of bringing sight to those in need, Dr. Sellars helps by offering our club a discounted rate for the appointment and glasses. With his help, our Lions Club is able to sponsor approximately two people per month to once again be able to see clearly.

 Leo Club - The Lanier County Lions Club began the Leo Club at the Lanier County High School five years ago and are happy to know that it is getting stronger support each year.

Boy Scouts of America- Our club is the current sponsor of two divisions of the BSA. We sponsor a Cub Scouts Pack 864,and Boy Scouts Troop 468.

 Star Student and Star Teacher -  Our Club recognizes the Star Student and Star Teacher of the year during our May meeting each year. 

Flatlander of the Year Award - Each year at our annual banquet we recognize the individual that has stood out above all the rest in volunteerism in our community. You can see the past recipients on the Flatlander of the Year page.

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