

                                  ( CLUB NO.100617  DISTRICT 305-N1 PAKISTAN )

No Matter Where You Are, What religion You Belong, Old or Young?, Need Help in any Aspect And You are LOOKING For someone who can help You in that matter then Just Drop here a massage. We will try our level best to help you, OUR MOTTO IS "WE SERVE"

 Our club members are providing funds for those needy and deserving students who can?t carry on their studies because lack of funds. We provide them proper guidance and career oriented counseling with appropriate scholarships. Any lion can refer us deserving students for this program. There is a lot of talent in our Youth, which is wasted just because they can?t afford expensive education. We request all of you to take initiative and join hands together to eliminate this curse of society.


Let us explore the talent and groom it, which is hidden in the darkness of poverty.

Lion Amir Shahzad,


Lahore Star Lions Club

District 305-N 1, Pakistan



Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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