









YEAR 2010 / 2011

Club Officers Insalation Ceremany

" Casabalanaca" Reception Hall at Kottawa  19th  June 2010


19th June 2010 - Club officer Installation ceremony 2010/ 2011 - Lightning Oil Lamp by past district governor Lions Upali Edirisinghe MJF/ JP

25th July 2010


25th July 2010 – Handed over the first copy of our club directory to the District Governor Lion Thilak Perera MJF/ JP by president of Lions Club of Kottawa Central, Lion Ariyapala Gamage MJF.

 25th July 2010


 25th July 2010 – Launched Dental clinic for the police officers of Kottawa police station. Project chairman – Col. Dr. Lion Thusitha Liyanarachchi JP



 25th July 2010 – Launched Beauty cultural practical program for lady police officers of Kottawa police station.  Project chairman – Lady Lion Anusha Liyanarachchi. 


 25th July 2010 – Awards have been received by past presidents from the Members of the Lions club  and president 2010 / 2011 Lion Ariyapala Gamage MJF


 25th July 2010 – Immidiate past president, Lion Thushan Chaminda received award from present president Lion Ariyapala Gamage MJF.

7th August 2010



7th August 2010 – Organized the shramadana campaign for Dengue  control at Baththaramulla, Udumulla and suburb area with distributing hand leaflets prevents Dengue in that area.  

Project chairman – Lion Sanjeewa Perera



15th August 2010





Shramadana  campaign & Dengue awareness program was organized for the  Kottawa town and five other Gramasewa Wasam on 15th August 2010. Poject chairman lion Ariyapala Gmage organized this shramadana campaign and dengu control project with the supprt of six project coordinators.

 4th September



  Mobile service of Kottawa Police Station Members of the Lions Club of Kottawa central were distributed Tree plant , Fruitp plant & Herbal plant  on 4th September 2010 at the Kottawa Dharmapala Vidyalaya.

7th September 



Dust bins was donated as a part project of Dengue Control project, to the Kottawa Ananda Vidyalaya, Kottawa Police Station . Keeping  Dust bins town area of Kottawa also  support to Dengu control  Project.

19th September




Donated cloths , toys, school books & meals to the children of Kataragama Nena sarana Prajasewa foundation. This project organized by Project chairman Lion Daya Hewapathirana.

22nd September

At the Joint project with Lions Club of Hatton,Dental & Oral awearness programme and dental clinic done by Col. Dr. Lion Thusitha Liyanaarachchci, Mr. Gamini Duruge examined patient at the eye clinic, Members of the lions club of kottawa central were donated caliborated spectacles for needed peopl on 22nd september at Kuilawatta Maha Vidyalaya- Hatton

26th September



 District get together Criket tournament was sponserd by our Club at the BRC play ground on 26th september.



 1st october

 Elders day at the Roslin fernando Elders home - Horahena

Donated breakfast, lunch to the elders& Enjoyed with them making partof the '' KOPI   KADE " Teledrama by actors of that teledrama. Arrangement have been made to show  film to elders at Roslin fernando elders home.Project chairman : Lion Jagath Premarathne.     

16th October



 Blood donation Camp was Held at Pannipitiya Dharmapala Vidyalaya on 16th October 2010.Lion Ranjith Nandakumara  organized this project who was accident before two month ago in the Hospital. Lion Jagath premarathna  handled the project insted of  Lion Ranjith.

 17th October



 Blood donation camp was held at mattegoda 17th October 2010.Lion Ruwan Gamage arrangments have been made  as Project chairman of this project.




 30th October 



 Six side A Cricket tournament was Organized  at Homagama - Wilfred Senanayake play Ground on 30th October.Project chairman of this project is Lion Chumith Jayasundara.  

6th November



Donation of dryration and cloths to Blind persons of Gampaha Districtat Seeduwa Meriesta Vidyalaya as a Joint Project with Aitkence spence Group. Project Chairman is lion Siripala Konara.


13th November



 Eye testing Camp and donating calibareted Spectacals at SARANA Purawesi Kamitu Hall - Kottawa on 13th November. Project Chairman Lion Gamini Athauda.



13th November



Diabetic Aearness  programmee and Bloob Glucouse checking Clinic also  organized at SARANA Purawesi kamitu Hall  - Kottawa on 13 th November. Project Chairman is Lion Ariyapala Gamage.

21st November



Donation of  Spectacles at Negrodharamaya ,Malambe Road, on 21st November.Project chairman of this project is Lion Tius Silva.  


28th November 


Dental Clinic at Sri  Vipasyaramaya , Maharagama.on visit of International President on 28th November.Project Chairman is Lion Dr. Thusitha Liyanaarachchi.



Donation of School books , School Supplies to Selected Children of low income families. project Chairman - Lion M.Wickramasinghe.


 Eye screening and donating Spectacles at Sri Vipasyaramaya Maharagama on 28th November.Project Chairman of this Project is Lion Ariyapala Gamage.

 9th December 2010



Sponsered Disable Day programme  and Cristmas Festivel of Special School for disable Children at Chitra Lane  colombo 5 on 9th December 2010. Project Chairman of This Project is Lion Maithri Kodagoda.


19th December 2010



Donation of  6 no Ceiling Fan to ward no 3 and  Parcels of Dry ration and Friut donated to patient of ward No 3 at Cancer Hospital Maharagama on 19th December 2010. Project chairman Lion Nandasena De Silva 

20th December 



Donation of Spectacles at Abeyratna Mawatha  Ratnaramaya Temple on 20th December 2010. District Governor Lion Thilak Perera  also participated his project at that time. Donated 241  Spectacals.

Project Chairman Lion Titus Sunil Silva



25th December 



Sponserd Cricket Tournament , organized by Pannipitiya Suhada Sports Club at Kottawa Ananda Vidyalaya on 25th December as improving  frendship with Sprorts  Clubs. 

Project Chairman Lion Chumith Jayasundara

26th December




Book donation  project was done on 26th December at the Kottawa Ananda Vidyalaya. More than  265 children was  received School exersice Books , School Uniform mateirals, and othe school equipments.District Governor Lion Thilak perera, 1st vice district governor Lion Lal Manuelge, Cabinet Treasurer Lion Wickum Weerakkody, governors' chief coordinator  lion Lasantha perera, Zone chairman Lion Ranil Abeysekara were paritcipated.

Project Chairman Lion M.Wickramasinghe

30th December


We sponserd ,Requeste of  Sportsman attached to kottawa Police Station  named Mr. H.M.Premasiri , his walk to Jaffna from Kottawa Police station to get mark for Gueness record. Started this peace walk 0n 30th  December at 7.30 A.M .

 4th January 2011



Entering to Jafna town Chearing with congratulation receving to jafana sportsman Mr. H.M. Premasiri who is walking  from kottawa to jaffna on 4th January at about 6.45 P.M.

Project Chairman Lion Ariyapala Gamage

16th January



Dengu control project was organized  at Suwarapola, Gangabada mawatha area  as joint project with Sanhitha Freinds Club on 16th January.  District Governor Lion Thilak perera  participated at this project as Cheif Guest .

Project Chairman Lion Chinthaka Jayasinghe

19th January



Exersice books, uniform mateirials, other school suplies and fuits were donated to children at Dehiattakandiya  Victim of flood area . Recieving donation by the children of Sandunpura , Ranminitenna area on 19th January.

Project chairman Lion M. Wickramasinghe

Donating exersice  books,school uniform materials, other  school supplies and fruitsto children of flood victim families  at Muruthagaspitiya ,Kadirapura, Ranhelagama area f Dehiattakandiya on 19th January.

Project chairman Lion M. Wickramasinghe


23th January



Tooth  protection  awearness programme  was cunducted and dental clinic at the Erawwawala Purana Viharaya  on 23rd January 2011.

Project Chairman Lion col. Dr. Thusitha Liyanaarachchi


Diabetic control awearness programmee and blood gloucouse  meshering  programme was held at Erawwawala Purana viharaya on 23rd January.

Project chairman Lion Ariyapala Gamage


  Eye screening camp and Donation spectacles at Erawwala purana viharaya ,multi service project on 23rd  January 2011.

Project Chairman Lion Siripala Konara


Beauty culture awearness programme  organized by Lion Anusha Liyanaarachchi at the Multi service project at Erawwala purana mahaviharaya on 23rd January 2011.

Project chairman Lion  Anusha Liyanarachchi 


26th January



Sponsered annual sports meet of kottawa Ananda Vidyalaya held on 26th  January  2011. 1st   Vice district Governor Lion Lal Manuelge  participated as Cheif guest  of tthis Occation.

Project Chairman Lion Sujeewa Ranaweera

17th February


Donated Fruit plant ,Herbal Plant  and tree plant at the Kottawa Dharmapala Vidyalaya Malti service Project on 17th February 2011.

Project Chairman Lion Ariyapala Gamage 

17th February


Law Advisary service project was held at Kottawa Dharmapala Vidyalaya on 17th February at the Multi service Project. 27 person have got law advice from this service.

Project Chairman Lion Aparajitha Ariyadasa

17th February





17th February


Blood donating camp was held at Kottawa Dharmapala Maha vidyalaya on 17th February 2011 and collected 83 paints Blood handed over to the blood bank.

Project chairman Lion Nandasena de Silva

17th February


26th February



Eye screening Camp and Doanation of  Spectacles camp was Held at Kuruwita Paradise Vapikaramaya on 26th February 2010 as a joint project with lions Club of  Kuruwita Paradise.Donated 286 pairs of Spectacles  on this day.

Project Chairman Lion Harsha Jayawardane









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