Club President: Larry Badder 519 350 -4269
Secretary: Email: kingsvillelions@gmail.com or Phone: (519) 733-2573
Webmaster: kingsvillelions@gmail.com
Kingsville Lions Club Privacy Policy |
We recognize the importance of privacy of personal information and we are committed to treating any such information, which we collect, use or disclose in a responsible manner and only as reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. We value the trust of those we deal with and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we have a clear policy on the use of information that is shared with us.
Introduction and Accountability
This Privacy Policy governs our dealing with “personal information”. Personal information means any information about an identifiable individual, be they a registrant, donor, volunteer, member or other individual we are engaged with. Information could include name, pet’s name and age, home address, e-mail address and phone number.
Our responsibility for information extends beyond your information in our possession or control, to information to which third parties may have access. This would include people acting on our behalf such as volunteers, information technology advisers or others. We will restrict access to such third parties as much as is reasonably possible and request their assurances that they follow appropriate privacy principles.
Information Collected
The privacy of our users is important to us. Kingsville Lions Club does not collect any personal information about users, except that which is knowingly and specifically supplied to us by the user. At times, we may request that they voluntarily supply us with personal information, such as e-mail address and postal address, for purposes such as visiting or corresponding with us or making a donation. However, when possible, an option to remain anonymous will be provided to those who wish to preserve their right to anonymity. We will not disclose any personal information about users to any outside parties.
We do not sell our donor list, nor exchange or share it with others. We shall honour registrant and donor requests to remain anonymous in relation to: 1. Being publicly identified as a supporter of the show; and or 2. Having the amount of their contribution publicly disclosed. This information may be accessed on request to ensure that it is correct and current.
Automatic Information
Certain web site applications may invoke a standard automatic feature found in web browser software called “cookies”. We do not use or share information transferred through cookies. Although most web browsers automatically accept cookies, individuals can change the configuration of their browser to prevent this from occurring.
Why We Collect Information
The primary purpose for which we collect, use and disclose personal information is for identification at Kingsville Lions Club.
We may also make use of this information to:
• Communicate in an ongoing manner with registrants, volunteers and donors
• To provide mailings, donation opportunities or invitations to events
• To communicate to specific audiences on Lions Clubs, volunteers and others
Generally, all personal information is held in strict confidence and we will obtain consent, either express or implied, to use or disclose personal information about an individual unless otherwise permitted or required by law. Provided we are informed, an individual can withdraw consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice.
We may retain a limited amount of information for historical reference in servicing our registrants and donors.
Correcting Information
Upon the individual’s request, we will provide access to, and ability to correct, certain information, such as contact information. If at any time anyone wishes to access or update information or stop receiving communications from the Kingsville Lions Club, the Show should be contacted by e-mail at kingsvillelions@gmail.com or by postal mail at:
Kingsville Lions Club
P.O. Box 392
23 Mill Street West,
Kingsville, ON N9Y 2G1
Ideally, old and new contact information should be provided so that we can make the appropriate corrections. If there are any comments or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us.
If anyone believes there is a mistake in the personal information we have, they have the right to ask that it be corrected.