Photo Gallery
President Lion Shobana Basnet giving speech in club installation program.
Kathmandu Peace Eyes club members
DG Deepak Shrestha with Lions Club Peace Eyes Charter President Lion Suman Bhatta, Secretary Lion Shobana Basnet, 1st VP Lion Bikash Manandhar
President Lion Shobana Basnet in Tree Plantation Program and Bisnumati coridor cleaning program in Kathmandu
LY 2016-2017 President of Lions club of Kathmandu Peace Eyes Lion Shobana Basnet is in club installation program with District Governor Lion Balkrishna Burlakoti on July 30,2016 at Sasa Banquet, Kathmandu
on Mega Blood Donation program on August 25th 2016 at Basnatapur Durbar squaire, Kathmandu.
Leo orientation program
giving orientation to new lions members by Charter President Lion Suman Bhatta.