Lions Club of Kathmandu Lazimpat Chautari planted more than 300 plants.
Lions Club of Kathmandu Lazimpat Chautari Team led by President Lion Suresh Bhatta, assembled at Sitapaila Chowk, Kathmandu around 10: 30 AM on Saturday September 27, 2014. Lions team further drove to Ramkot 1. With the participation of Mr. Ram Kazi Giri, Secretary, Switzerland Park and Community Forest including huge participation of the local village and Lions team LC Kathmandu Lazimpat Chautari, planted more than 300 plants for 3 hours.
Lion Suresh Bhata further spoke with local community to bring their attention to the environment and inspired them to get engaged in planting and nurturing the plants that the team and locals just planted. While the team took a break President Lion Suresh Bhatta highlighted the global warming and climate change, its cause and recovery.
Following Team Members Participated on this event:
1. Lion Ram Bahadur Chhetri – Immediate Past President
2. Lion Suresh Bhatta – President
3. Lion Rajeev Ranjan Singh – Past Secretary
4. Lion Vishal Mani Bhandari – Past Treasurer
5. Lion Rajan Raj Puri- Club Secretary
6. Lion Surendra Lama – Club Treasurer
7. Lion Manoj Agrawal- Club Member
8. Lion Nabaraj Poudel – Club Member
9. Lion Bhaskar Gautam – New Member
10. Lion Arjun Kumar Bhandari – Club Member
Lion Ram Chhetri, Immediate Past President said “ He felt so happy to see great volume of participation of club members and locals”. While taking refreshment with locals all members of LC Kathmandu Lazimpat Chautari shares ideas and the locals assured that they will help nurture the plants.