
We the team from different sectors , here we are : 



1 . Lion Mr . Naresh Shrestha -  Past ( Charter )  President .- 9851033935 

                        Lion Year 2021 / 22

2. Lion Mr. Ramesh Acharya -    P.P  - 9841461696 ( L.Y - 2019/20 )

3 . Lion Mr. Sundar Kumar Acharya  -   Past President - 9851079191 (L.Y - 2020/21 )

4. Lion Mr. Dinesh Acharya - Immediate past President -  9841850004( L.Y 2021 /22 )

L.Y 2023 / 24

5. Lion Birendra Kumar Balami -  President  - 9841406209

6 . Lion Mr. Pramod Kumar Poudel - 1st Vice President  - 9851042208

7. Lion Mrs Bibeka Dawadi -  2nd Vice President -

8. Lion Mr. Radhakrishna Shrestha - Secretary - 9841224270

9. Lion Manoj Pradhan -  Treasurer - 9813613353

10 . Lion Mr. Harisharan Shrestha  - Joint Secretary -     - 9802095101

11. Lion Manoj Karmacharya -  Service Activity Chairperson - 9841279482

12. Lion Mr. Shivahari poudel - Public Relation Officer-   9851083037


LY 2023 - 24 ( Newly Formed Team ) PVST

1. Lion Birendra Kumar Balami  : Immediate Past President 

2 . Lion Pramod Kumar Poudel  : Club President 

3. Lion Bibeka Dawadi   : Club Vice President

4. Lion Radha Krishna Shrestha : 2ns Vice President

5: Lion Manoj Pradhan : Club Secretary 

6. Lion Harishran Shrestha : Joint Secretary 

7: Lion Manoj Karmacharya : Club Treasurer 

8: Lion Ranjita Balami : Joint Treasurer 

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