Jonestown Lions Club
Jonestown, Pennsylvania
What we do. + Who we are. = We serve.
Collect old and discarded eyeglasses from our collection boxes located in select Jonestown Bank offices and retirement communities in support of our international mission of sight.
Along with the Fredericksburg Lions Club we honor students of the month from the Northern Lebanon High School.
Help the Jonestown American Legion to sponsor the community Easter Egg Hunt.
Assist the Fredericksburg Lions Club with manpower for their Hinkelfest project.
Provide a location on the square for Halloween trick or treat during the official trick or treat evening
With the American Legion we are providing manpower support for a renewed veterans memorial in the Zion Lutheran cemetery.
Man a collection kettle for the Salvation Army during the Christmas season.
We support Beacon Lodge Camp for the blind.
We also support Leader Dog for the blind.
The reverse page indicates what we have done in the past and what we could do again if we had additional help from the good folks like you in the Northern Lebanon area.
Jonestown Lions Club
Jonestown, Pennsylvania
What we did. + Who we were. = We served.
Provided farmers with labor needs during World War II (1943).
Constructed an Honor Roll of residents that served during World War II (1943).
Built a cannery for the community during World War II (1944~1945).
Start showing outdoor movies for the community (1945).
Conduct community Christmas Party for children of the area.
Start community ambulance service (1952) that lasted until the early 1970ís?
We conducted a pancake breakfast in October; and sub sales through the year.
We have provided financial assistance and manpower to projects for the community park: re-roofed the band stand, purchased and planted trees.
In 2001 our first madam President was installed. Lena Ditzler was not only our first, but also in the county .
Transported visually impaired and blind clients to SABVI events.
For Jonestownís 250th celebration of its founding, we sponsored a family style picnic and conducted a successful baking contest for the community on Sunday June 19th.
Supported Beacon Lodge with their recent sewer project by contributing $600.00
Provide financial and manpower assistance to a newly created community food bank serving residents of our service area.
Participate in the Adopt a Highway program of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Conduct an annual sight fund soliciting campaign, and a chicken BBQ to raise funds in support of our projects for the community.
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