
President - Lion Curt Hodges

Res. .. Cell 

Secretary - Lion Ron McCormick, Res 870-931-2301, Cell 870-530-0768 email

Treasurer -  Lion  Ron Erwin, Res.870-935-8044, Cell 870-219-8044

Program Chairman - Lion Helen Mashburn, 870 935 4206, cell 870 761 2424,          

Webmaster - Lion  Helen Mashburn, Res 870-935-4206, Cell 870-761-2424


Photographer - Lion Norm Dickson - Res 870-972-9400, Cell 926-9400


District 7-0  Website  http://district7o


July 9, 2019- Lisa Tedder

July 16 - Business Meeting

July 23 - Mandy Young - Good Grief - NEA Baptist Hospital

July 30 - Dr Tom Woods - Macular Degeneration and Diseases of the Eye





University Heights Lions Club

Chartered 1963

Jonesboro, Arkansas








  =============  Detach and Mail to the address below ===========


United States Flag Display Contract

Ten days (all major holidays, weather permitting) per year our club members place American Flags at local businesses. These flag contracts are $ 40.00 per year and help Jonesboro, Arkansas businesses to show their patriotism.

University Heights Lions Club of Jonesboro, Arkansas agrees to furnish

(name of company) ________________________ a United States Flag,

with holder, for display in consideration of a donation to the club of $40.00

per year. On ten national holidays per year (minimum), the University

Heights Lions Club will place a flag for display and remove it. (weather permitting) The donation is made at the time of entering into this

agreement. The contract can be renewed on a prorated basis either on July 1 or January 1 of each yearly depending on the business’s preference.


Date: ____/____/_______

Business Name:_____________________________________________

Business Representative  (contact):_____________________________

Address for Flag Mounting:________________________________________

Billing Address:_________________________________________________

Phone: (_____)______-__________

Preferred location of the flag bracket:

(examples: on sign out front or on light pole or beside front door)







University Heights Lions Club

P.O. Box 16063

Jonesboro, AR 72403



Want to help the sight & hearing impaired?

Join Now

Contact: Membership Committee Members

and / or

Make a donation to the above address.

Thank You!

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