
To contact the Jamestown Lions club, please email, or call one of the officers listed under the Officers tab. The Lions Club is a volunteer organization and web space and templates are donated. None of the email links work, you will have to send directly to the email address above. Thanks, and we hope you will consider joining the Lions club - We have a lot of good fun and fellowship in service to the community.

Jamestown Lions Club Annual Bean Festival

District 13J WebSite

Remember when you wanted
to change the world?


You still Can!!



Involvement, accomplishment, and satisfaction...these alone would make Lions membership worthwhile. But it offers yet another dimension, something that for many of us has become increasingly important: the opportunity to pursue our own personal growth. Through our Lions Clubs, we experience the personal satisfaction of turning belief into action and action into impact. We also enhance our own wellness...recent studies have shown that volunteering can lead to stronger immunity, better health and greater longevity.


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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