Welcome to Lions Club of Jaffna City New Century
Lions Club of Jaffna City New Century was established on 22.11.2017 in Jaffna town during the period of District Governor Lion Camilus Fernado PMJF.
This club was born with a lot of efforts of Lion S.Balakumar, Lion.J.Rajeevan, Lion.V.Sriprakash. Sponsored Club is Lions Club of Thevakam Keyts.
First charter president was Lion G.Leninkumar. Then Second president was Lion.P.Ainkaran.
Current President is Lion.T.Piranavachelvan.
Lions Club of Jaffna City New Century has young and smart members and therefore this club has become the extra ordinary service club in the Northern Province and district 306B1 as well.
The current office of the club was installed on 05.07.2020 and the Chief Guest of the
ceremony were 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Dr.Anoma Wijeyasinga and Past District Governor Lion WIjeyasinga. The club is extremely working for its services since it was established.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.