In the frame of World Diabetes Day, We, as Kalamış Körfez Lions Club have organized a training about diabetes. Our Club's member, Erdal Tuncer who is a medical doctor also, performed this training to the Kadıköy Municipality Kriton Curi Park's Volunteers on November,17 th. The training aim was to raise awareness against diabetes to people. Dr.Erdal Tuncer gave a lot of exclusive information about diabetes, such as what is diabetes, how diabetics should act , what diabetics may or may not consume, how diabetics can be effected by the complications that may occur during time or what people need to increase the quality of their life styles.
Kalamış Körfez Lions Club’s members furnished two classrooms for educable students that have mental disabilities in order to support their education at Ali Fuat Cebesoy Primary School. Our club members and other volunteers painted the walls and covered with soft material in order to avoid children to give damage to their bodies. Also, school desks, wallboards, televisions, parquets for floor were provided and furnished to the classrooms. Besides, 30 pieces of training materials and other supportive training materials were supplied to improve writing, speaking and learning ability for educable mentally disabled students by our sponsor, Gevher Karacabey and our club members. At last, on 2th of November, our classes were opened to education with a beautiful ceremony with the help of our club members.
In the frame of World Lions Service Day’s, 118-Y TURKEY DISTRICT organized some activities 0n 8th of October. 11 members of Our Club have participated activities. On 8 th of october, in the frame of Our Club’s main service activity, our club members distributed to children the awareness broucheres and books which were about environmental protection and waste management. The name of books was ‘SMALL GREEN STEPS’ which were prepared and published for children by Kadikoy Municipality. We distributed bookmarks which were writen on ‘Hand in hand with heroes for a clean environment and a beatiful future’ and baloons to children also.
In the frame of World Lions Service Day’s, 118-Y TURKEY DISTRICT organized some activities 0n 9th of October also. Our club members participated the activity of environmental cleaning which was organized by Youth Commitee and Environment Commitee of 118Y Turkey District. We collected the recycleable garbage at the parks and public areas. The aim was in order to create youth and public awareness for environmental protection.
In the frame of Worldwide Week of Service in Sight on october 10-16, Kalamıs Korfez Lions Club organized the training seminar on 'Cataract at Childhood'. Ophthalmologist Dr.Kazım Devranoglu performed the training to 20 mothers of children at Atlas Help Association. He gave information about the cataract that is important the development of visual on child.
2016/ September
In the frame of World Literacy Day on semtember 8, Kalamıs Körfez Lions Club held a meeting with children's literature writer Sevim Ak and children of Atlas Help Association to emphasize the importance of reading and writing and to develop children's literacy skills. Our club organized a workshop for 15 children in the age of 9 and 10 to read books in the Author Sevim Ak Home Library. After workshop, children sing songs with a guitar that was played by guitarist Zeynep Emcioglu. We donated books writen by Sevim Ak to children also.
Within the context of District 118 Y TURKEY, International Youth Exchanges Program, our club members met young visiters and host families at 'Bear Bar' on Saskinbakkal,Istanbul on 6th of August. Our club was the sponsor of this activity
Kalamiş Korfez Lions Club participated ‘Worldwide Week of Service for Youth’ as a sponsor training materials to improve writing,speaking and learning ability for educable mentally disabled students who are attending Ali Fuat Cebesoy School. We delivered 30 pieces of training materials to the schoolboards on 12th , August 2016
2016/ July
Kalamış Körfez Lions Club members performed the summer activities to children at Private Gülen Güray Library in Güre Village in July 13-14-15. 74 children participated the activities between the ages of 6-14. Some trainings was performed by our club members on various topics.
First day,Our Club President , Ln.Lalefer Duygan performed an interactive training about environmental protection and how to avoid environmental problems to children. After trainig, the books about environmental protection were given to children.
Another interactive training was performed by Ln.Erdal Tuncer Who is a medical doctor and one of our club members. The topic of training was hearing and noise pollution.
Second day, The other training topic was the tecnics of how to develop comminication skills with each other and other people. It was performed by Ln.İnci Dinçcan who is our club member also.
At the same evening,,we organized to play movie in Güre ‘s Private Gülen Güray Library garden for chilren at 9.00 pm. by local time During this event children have watched a comedy movie by eating popcorn and drinking fruit juice. They were so happy and enjoyed too much.
Third day of our summur event was painting; the children made paintings that the subject were environment and how to protect our environment .
Also, toys that powered with solar energy, notebooks, pencils, crayons, toys were given to children by our club members. And also, toothbrushes and toothpastes were given in order to protect the dental health of children.
2015 Haziran / June
Kalamıs Korfez Lions Club's president Ln. Mrs Yıldız Sarı has donated to the 118Y District LIAY Fund for schoalarships on behalf of club members. We fixed two silver plaques to schoalarship panel at Head Office on June 8th.
Dönem boyunca başarılı hizmetlerine teşekkürlerimizle Dönem Başkanımız Sn. Ln. Yıldız Sarı 'ya 04.06.2015 tarihinde gerçekleştirdiğimiz törenle Melvin Jones Dostu Ödülünü sunduk.
Our club members made a donation to Melvin Jones Fellowship Program which is backboned to LCIF.On 4th of June, our club organized a ceremony and honoured our club president Ln. Mrs. Yıldız Sarı as a receipient of Melvin Jones award.
2015 Mayıs / May
2015 Nisan / April
2015 Mart / March
2015 Şubat / February
2015 Ocak / January
2014 Aralık / December
Kalamış Körfez Lions Kulübü olarak gençlerimizi bağımlılık yaratan maddelerden korumak bu konuda bilinçlendirmeyi sağlamak amacıyla Bağımlılıkla Mücadele Panelininin. 3.sünü Kadıköy Anadolu Lisesi'nde organize ettik. Panalist olarak katılan Uzman Psikolog Sn. Hanife Uğur panelde 250 öğrenci ile bilgi ve deneyimlerini paylaşarak,interaktif bir sunum gerçekleştirmiştir.
Kalamıs Korfez Lions Club have organized 3rd. panel title of stuggle with addiction in Kadıkoy Anadolu High School in order to raise awareness and not to fall into trop of drugs to our young people. Expert Pyschologist Mrs. Hanife Ugur participated as panalist have shared her knowledge and experience and given interactive training to 250 students in Kadıkoy Anadolu High School on 18th.of December.
Kulübümüz Üyesi ve Geçmiş Dönem Başkanlarımızdan Sn. Ln. Talat Göçmener'e 17 Aralık tarihindeki toplantımızda gerçekleştirdiğimiz törenle Melvin Jones Dostluğu Ödülü'nü takdim ettik. Töreni Genel Yönetmen 1. Yrd. Sn. Ln. İsmet Özer Balta yönetmiştir.
Our club members made a donation to Melvin Jones Fellowship Program which is backboned to LCIF. On 17 th. of December our club organized a ceremony and honoured our club's member Ln. Mr. Talat Gocmener as a receipient of Melvin Jones award.
Lions Özel Eğitim Mesleki Eğitim Merkezi'ndeki eğitilebilr zihinsel engelli 9 öğrencinin Bayrampaşa Göz Hastanesi'nde göz tedavilerini yaptırdık.
Kalamıs Korfez Lions Club has undertaken eye treatment of 9 educable mental disabilities students in Bayrampasa Hospital on 2nd of December.
2014 Kasım / November
Kulübümüzün ana hizmet aktivitesi kapsamında Temel Afet Bilinci Eğitimlerimiz devam etmektedir Kulübümüz ve Doğal Afetler Komitesi ile birlikte 3. Temel Afet Bilinci Eğitimimiz Barboros Hayrettin Paşa Ortaokulu'nun 2.,3. ve 4. sınıf öğrencilerine verilmiştir. Eğitimleri Kulübümüz üyesi Ln. İnci Dinççan ve Doğal Afetler Komitesi Başkanı Ln. A. Sule Sümer tarafından 104 öğrenciye interaktif bir sunumla verilmiştir. Eğitim sonrası Afet Bilinci Broşürleri öğrencilere dağıtılmıştır.
In the frame of our club's main service activity which is 'be prepared to disasters with volunteers' ; our project continues with new Basic Disaster Awareness Trainings. Our club and Committee of Disaster of 118Y District have together held on Third Basic Disaster Training to second, third and fourth grade students of Barboros Hayrettin Pasa Elementary School . Trainings were performed by our club member Ln. Mrs Inci Dinçcan and President of Disaster Committee Ln. Mrs. Sule Sumer to 104 students on 19 th. of November. Trainners gave an interactive trainings to students and also disaster awareness brochures were distributed.
2014 Ekim / October
Kulübümüz, Özel Eğitim Meslek Eğitim Merkezindeki eğitilebilir zihinsel engelli öğrencilerimize göz sağlığının korunması erken tanı ve tedavinin yapılabilmesi için 'göz taraması' hizmetini gerçekleştirmiştir. 23 Ekim Perşembe günü Bayrampaşa Göz Sağlığı Hastahanesi sağlık ekibi tarafından 78 öğrencinin göz taraması yapılmıştır. Göz taraması sonucu doktor kontrolü ve tedavisi gerektiği belrlenen 9 öğrencinin tedavileri Kulübümüzce üstlenilmiştir.
Our club has organized vision screening for early diagnosis and treatment to aducable mental disabilities students in Special Education School. 78 students have had vision screening by Bayrampaşa Eye Health Center's Health Care Team on 23th. of October.After vision screening was found that 9 of student's medical treatment should be done. These student's medical treatment will be undertaken by our club.
Kulübümüz Gençlerimizin uyuşturucu tuzağına düşmemeleri ve bu konuda biliçlenmeleri amacıyla Kartal Anadolu Lisesi'nde Bağımlılıkla Mücadele konulu iki panel düzenlemiştir. Panelist olarak katılan Emekli Narkotik Uzmanı Sn. Murat Bozkurt ve Uzman Klinik Psikolog Sn. Tuğba Kaplanhan deneyim ve bilgilerini, interaktif olarak ve görsel sunumlar eşliğinde 200 öğrenci ile paylaştılar.
Our club have organized two panels title of'' Struggling with an Addiction'' at Kartal Anadolu High School on 15 th. of October, in order to raise awareness and not to fall in to trop of drugs to our young people. Retired Narcotic Expert Mr. Murat Bozkurt and Expert Clinical Pyscolist Mrs. Tuğba Kaplanhan participated as panalists have shared their knowledge and experience and given interactive training to 200 students in Kartal Anadolu High School.
11 Ekim Cumartesi günü Kadı köy Meydanı'nda 118-Y Yönetim Çevresi tarafından organize edilen Ekim Ayı Hizmet Tanıtım Etkinliği'ne katıldık. Doğal Afetler Komitesi'nin ' Doğal Afetlere Hazırlıklı Olalım ' Aktivitesine destek olduk. Bu aktivite çerçevesinde Kadıköy Belediyesi Arama Kurtarma Takımı Eğitmenlerince Eğitimler verildi. Bu eğitimlerin amacı doğal afet öncesinde, sırasında ve hemen sonrasında yapılması gereken temel davranışları geliştimek ve bu konuda bilinci arttırmaktır. Eğitimler görsel sunumlar ve uygulamalı olarak yapılmıştır. Eğitim sonrası halka ve çocuklara bilgilendirici ibroşür ve kitapları dağıttık.
By the occation of October Lions Service Promote Day's Event which was organized by 118-Y TURKEY District, 8 members of our club have participated at KadıkoySquare on 11th. of October. At this event our club members have assisted Commitee of Disasters' Peparation Againts Risk of Disaster Activity. In the frame of this activitiy Kadıkoy Municipality Search and Rescue Team Trainners have held on Basic Disaster Awareness Training to people and children. The aim of the trainings were to develop basic behaviour patterns before disaster, at the timeof disaster and immediately after thedisaster. After the trainnigs we have distrubuted disater awareness brouchures and books.
2014 Eylül / September
We hosted two beneficary university students who are suponsored by 118-Y Turkey District at our club meeting on 17th of September..
2014 Ağustos / August
We hosted a beneficiary student who is suponsored by 118-Y Turkey District at our club meeting on 20th of August.
2014 Temmuz / July
Our Club organized and sponsored a Ramadan Dinner for scholarship students of 118-Y District LIAY Fund at Marmara Yelken Club on 16th. of July. 32 students attended to our announcement.
Temel Afet Bilinci Eğitimlerimiz
Kulübümüzün Ana Hizmet Aktivitesi olan Doğal Afetler ile ilgili toplumun biliçlendirilmesi ve farkındalık yaratmak hedefi doğrultusunda, Her Sokağa Bir Afet Gönüllüsü' projesi ile başlamıştır. Projemiz kapsamında eğitimlerimiz kulübümüz üyesi ve geçen hizmet dönemi projemiz çerçevesinde gönüllü afet eğitmeni eğitimi alıp başarılı olan ve projemiz kapsamında afet eğitmeni olan Sn. Ln. İnci Dinçcan tarafından verimiştir.
İlk Eğitimimiz Güre Köyündeki Özel Gülen Güray Kütüphanesi Yaz Etkinliklerimiz kapsamında buraya katılan 29 çocuğa verilmiştir. 40 dakika süren eğitim sonrasında bilinçlendirme eğitimini pekiştiren broşürler çocuklarımıza dağıtılmıştır.
İkinci eğitimimiz Sn. Ln. İnci Dinccan ve daha önceki yıllarda burslu olup mezun olan Sn. Mert Atlı tarafından verilmiştir. 16 Temmuz 'da Marmara Yelken Kulübü'nde 32 burslu öğrencimize verilen temel afet bilinci eğitimi sonrasında konuyla ilgili broşürler dağıtılmştır.
Basic Disaster Awareness Trainnings
Under our club campaign of''' In Each Street Disaster Awareness Volunteer''Project has been started. In the frame of this project Basic Disaster Awareness Trainings was performed by our club's member Ln. Mrs. Inci Dinccan who had been voluntarily accepted to be trainner and then had been succeeded to be Basic Awareness Trainner among our club project in last period 2013-2014.
First training was performed to 29 children in Güre Village at Private Gulen Guray Library Summer Events. Ln. Mrs. Inci Dinccan gave an interactive 40 minutes training and also disaster awareness brochures were distributed, July,10
Second Training was performed Ln. Mrs. Inci Dinccan and Mr. Mert Atlı who was former scholarship of our club to the 32 beneficiary students of 118-YDistrict Liay Fund in Marmara Yelken Club on 16th.July. 40 minutes training was given to students and after training, disaster awareness brochures distributed.
7-11 Temmuz tarihleri arasında Güre'de Özel Gülen Güray Kütüphanesi Yaz Etkinliklerinin 4.sü bu yıl Kulübümüz üyesi Sn. Ln. İnci Dinçcan liderliğinde gerçekleşmiştir. Toplam 128 öğrencinin katıldığı Yaz Etkinliğimiz 5 gün sürmüştür.
Yaz etkinliğimiz kapsamında kültürel, sanatsal çalışmalar, resim spor turnuvaları Bilinçlendirme Eğitimleri ve kitap okuma aktiviteleri düzenlenmiştir.
İlk gün çocuklar 'Benim Dünyam' konulu resim çalışması yaptılar. Daha sonra Sn. Ln. İnci Dinçcan ve Kütüphanemiz Yöneticisi Sn. Nüvid Günay tarafından Hacivat- Karagöz gösterisi sergilenmdi.Gösterinin konusu okumanın önemine dikkat çekilmesiydi.
Etkinliğimizin ikinci gününde çocuklar gruplara ayrılarak oyun hamurları ile bir tema gerçekleştirdiler. Her grup uyumlu ve yaratıcı çalışmalar gerçekleştirdi.
Üçüncü gün. çocuklara basketbol ve bowling turnuvası organize edildi. Başarılı çocuklarımız rozetle ödüllendirildi.
Yaz Etkinkiğimizin 4. gününde Kulübümüzün Ana Hizmet Aktivitesi kapsamında çocuklara Temel Afet Bilinci Eğitimi verildi. Bu eğitim, Sn. Ln. İnci Dinçcan tarafından verildi. Eğitim sonrası temel afet bilinci ile ilgili broşürler dağıtılmıştır. İkinci bölümde çocuklarımıza bilgi yarışması düzenlenmiş ve en başarılı çocuğumuz saat ile ödüllendirildi. Küçük çocuklarımıza Ln. Lalefer Duygan tarafından kitap okundu.
Etkinliğimiz Sn. Ln. İnci Dinçcan'ın verdiği sel felaketi ile ilgili bilinçlendirme eğitimi ile son buldu.
Between July, 07-11 Private Gulen Guray Library in Gure Village Summer Activities 4th.was achieved under the leadership of our club's member Ln. Mrs Inci Dinccan.128 children have participated in our summer event which has continued 5 days.
In the frame of our events,cultural,artizan event,painting, sportive activities,awarness trainnig,reading have been performed.
First day, kids have made painting under theme of'' My World'.
Following event was reading and writing in this chapter ,Hacivat- Karagöz skethc was performed by Ln. Mrs. Inci Dinccan and Library Manager Mrs. Nuvid Guray. The aim of this skethc was drawing the attantion to reading and writing.
Second day, children have created their own teams and performed several themas by play dough. Each group has performed their creativity in harmony.
Third day of our event, basketball and bowling tournaments were organized. Achievement rozette are given to children who is most succesful.
Fourth day. under in frame of our club's main activity Basic Disaster Awareness Training was performed by Ln. Mrs Inci Dinccan and then disaster awareness brochures were distributed. In the second part, we have organized acknowladge competation among the children and then the winner has been awarded by a watch. Our club' secretary Ln. Mrs Lalefer Duygan has read tale to the kids
On the last day of our event children have been trainned about the floating disaster by Ln. Mrs. Inci Dinccan.
2014 Nisan / April
Lions World Lunch Relay kapsamında Kalamış Lions Kulübü olarak Lions ailemizin bir parçası olan eğitilebilir zihinsel engelli öğrenciler ile birlikte olacağımız öğle yemeği organize ettik. 60 öğrenci ve 4 öğretmenleri ve kulübümüz üyeleri ile birlikte 4 Nisan 2014 tarihinde eğitim gördükleri Özel Mesleki Eğitim Merkezinde biraraya geldik.Bu öğle yemeği öncesi yemekhaneyi süsledik. Daha önceden hazırladığımız yiyecek ve içecekleri masalara servis yaptık.
Eğlenceli ve sıcak bir atmosferde geçen öğle yemeği sonrası hep birlikte pastamızı yedik ve müzik eşliğinde dans ettik .Basketbol, voleybol ve futbol topları sulu boya ve boya kalemlerinden oluşan hediyelerimizi verdik
Bu özel öğle yemeğinde eğitilebilir zihinsel engelli öğrencilerin sosyal hayatları içindeki paylaşımlarına destek olmak sevgimizi paylaşmak ve onların da bu beraberlikten keyif aldıklarını görmek bizleri çok mutlu etmiştir.
Kalamis Korfez Lions Club participated in the LCI World Lunch Relay with the educable mental disabilities students who are a part of our Lions family on April 4th, 2014 . 60 students, their four teachers and our club's members came together in this lunch event at their Special Education School. Before lunch our club members have dressed lunch hall with ornaments. We have served food and drink which we have cooked and purchased in advance.
After a warm entertainment and a lunch we have eaten cream cakes and danced accompanied music performance together. We have delivered our gifts including basketballs, volleyballs, soccerballs and water colour brushes.
In this special event, we were happy to observe educable mental disabilities students’ positive reactivities, happiness, enjoy togertherness, shared love very much.
2014 Mart / March
Kulübümüzün ana hizmet aktivitesi olan ‘Afetlere Gençlerle Hazır Olalım’ projesi kapsamında 'Temel Afet Bilinci Eğitimlerimiz’ devam etmektedir.12 Mart tarihinde Yönder Kollejinde ilköğretim okulu ikinci, üçüncü ve dördüncü sınıf öğrencilerine Temel Afet Bilinci Eğitimi verilmiştir. Bu eğitimi Kulübümüzün üyesi ve aynı zamanda bu projemiz kapsamında gönüllü eğitmen olmayı kabul edip ‘ Temel Afet Eğitmeni Eğitimi’ alarak başarılı olan Sn. Ln. İnci Dinçcan tarafından 83 öğrenciye verilmiştir.Kadıköy Belediyesi Arama ve Kurtarma Takımı Eğitmeni Nazlı Saka rehberliğinde, Ln. İnci Dinçcan tarafından 40 dakika interaktif bir eğitim öğtencilere verilmiş ve eğitim sonrası öğrencilere Afet Bilinci Broşürleri dağıtılmıştır.
In the frame of our club’s main activity which is ‘Be Prepared to Disasters, by the Asssistance of Youth’, our Project continues with new Basic Disaster Awareness Trainings. On 12nd of March,second,third and fourth grade students of Yonder Collage( elementary school) was trained. This traning was performed by ourclub’s member Ln. Mrs Inci Dinçcan to 83 students who had been voluntarily accepted to be trainner in our Project and then had been succeeded to Basic Awareness Trainer among our club Project. Under the guidance of Mrs. Nazlı Saka who is the disaster awareness trainner in Kadıköy Municipality Search and Rescue Team, Mrs. İnci Dinçcan gave an interactive 40 minutes training to students, also disaster awareness brochures were distributed to students.
2014 Şubat / February
Kulübümüzün ana aktivitesi olan ve Doğal Afetler Komitesi ve Fenerbahçe Leo Kulübü ortaklığı ile yürüttüğümüz ‘ Gençlerle Afetlere Hazır Olalım Projesi’ kapsamında Merkaz Binamızda’ Eğitmen Eğitimi-2 ‘Eğitimi düzenlenmiştir. Bu eğitimi başarı ile tamamlayan 11 gönüllü eğitmen adayına Kadıköy Belediyesi Afet Eğitmenleri tarafından ‘ Afet Eğitmeni Sertifikas’ı verildi .(2 Şubat)
Under our club campaign of ‘ Preparation against Risk of Disaster together with Young People Project’, 118-Y Comittee of Disaster and Fenerbahçe Leo Club have together held ‘Trainers Training-2’ in 118-Y Disrict Head Office Building. The aim of this workshop were to educate volunteers who wants to become a disaster consious training instructor. At the end of this training, 11 volunteers have been delivered ‘ Disaster Consious Training Instructor Canditates’ who have succeeded in workshop by Disaster Training Instructers of Kadıkoy Minicipality. (2nd February)
2014 Ocak / January
Kulübümüzün ana aktivitesi olan ve Doğal Afetler Komitesi ve Fenerbahçe Leo Kulübü ortaklığı ile yürüttüğümüz ‘ Gençlerle Afetlere Hazır Olalım Projesi’ kapsamında Kadıköy Belediyesi Arama Kurtarma Takım Kaptanı Hakan Özdemir ve Kadıköy Belediyesi Afet Eğitmeni Günnaz Saka tarafından Afet Eğitmeni olmak isteyen Kulübümüz üyesi, lion ve leolardan oluşan 25 gönüllü için ‘ Eğitmen Eğitimi-1’ gerçekleştirildi. (26 Ocak)
Under our club campaign of ‘ Preparation against Risk of Disaster together with Young People Project’, 118-Y Comittee of Disaster and Fenerbahçe Leo Club have together held ‘Trainers Training-1’ in 118-Y Disrict Head Office Building. The aim of this Workshop were to educate volunteers who wants to become a disaster consious training instructor. During the workshop 25 people have voluntarily utilized among our club members and lion and leos. (26th January)
Muş ili, Varto İlçesi Buzlu Güze Köyü’ndeki yaşları 1 ile 14 arasında olan 38 çocuğumuza Kulübümüz üyelerince temin edilen çeşitli giyecek ve gıda ihtiyaçları gönderildi. (7 Ocak)
We delivered various kinds of foods and garments for 38 children ages between 1-14 who are living in Buzlu Güze Village in Muş City. (7th January)
Genel Merkezimizde Kulübümüzün Burslar Panosuna dört adet Altın Plaket çakılması töreni gerçekleştirildi. (7 Ocak)
We fixed four golden plaques to scholarship panel at our Head Office (7th January)
2013 Aralık / December
Kulübümüzün değerli üyesi Sn. Ln. Selma Aladağ’a Melvin Jones Dostu Ödülü törenle verildi. (18 Aralık)
Our Club organized a ceremony and honoured valuable member of our club Ln. Mrs Sema Aladağ as a recipient of Melvin Jones Fellowship. (18th December)
2013 Kasım / November
Genel Merkezimizde Kulübümüzün ana aktivitesi olan ve Doğal Afetler Komitesi ve Fenerbahçe Leo Kulübü ortaklığı ile yürüttüğümüz Gençlerle Afetlere Hazırlanalım Projesi’ kapsamında biliçlendirme eğitimi düzenledi. (18 Kasım)
Under our club campaign of ‘ Preparation against Risk of Disasters together with Young People’ Project, ‘Comittee of Disasters’ and Fenerbahçe Leo Club’ have together held ‘Awereness Raising Educations’in 118-Y District Head Office Building. (18th November)
Kulübümüzce burslu öğrencilere destek olmak ve öğretmenlerimizin Öğretmenler Gününü kutlamak amacıyla Kozzy Kültür Merkezi'nde Türk Sanat Müziği Konseri düzenledik.(26 Kasım )
Our club organized Tradational Music Concert to increase scholarships and to celebrate the Teachers' Day at Kozzy Culteral Center.(26th November)
2013 Ekim / October
8 Ekim Dünya Lions Günü kapsamında 118-Y Yönetim Çevresince düzenlenen etkinlikte, Çevre ve Doğal Afetler standlarının kurulmasına yardım edildi ve Gençlerle Afetlere Hazırlanalım’ başlıklı dönem projemiz için hazırlamış olduğumuz broşürleri dağıtıldı. (5 Ekim)
By the Occation of World Lions Day's Anniversary which was organized by 118-Y Disrtrict TURKEY our club members have assisted to design stand of Enviromental and Naturel Disaster Comittee. We have distributed the brouchures including brief about developing senses of Enviromental and Natural Disaster and related upon a compain of ‘Formulating Youth to Naturel Disaster’. (5th October)
15 Ekim ‘Dünya Beyaz Baston Günü’ kapsamında Kulübümüzce alınan 100 adet rulman destekli bastonun görme engeli dostlarımıza teslimi (19 Ekim)
By the occation of October 15th World’s White Stick Day, 100 pieces of white stricks including roller bearings on bottom tips have been delivered to blind person in Organization Center of Visually-Impared of Turkey. (19th October)
2013 Eylül / September
Kulüp üyelerimiz ve aileleri, 118-Y Genel Yönetmeninin organize ettiği "Yaza Veda" buluşmasına katıldılar (15 Eylül)
Members of our club and their parents have participated 118-Y Disrict Governor's "Goodby to Summer Party" (15th September)
2013 Ağustos / August
Burslu öğrencilerimiz ile iftar yemeği (1 Ağustos)
Ramadan Dinner for our beneficary students (1st August)
2013 Temmuz / July
Gençler Arası Değişim Programı (GAD) etkinlikleri açılış kokteyli sponsorluğu (16 Temmuz)
The sponsorship for opening ceremony cokteyl of International Youth Exchange Programme (16th July)
Gençler Arası Değişim Programı (GAD) etkinlikleri, kareoke şov organizasyonu (26 Temmuz)
The karoke show organization within the context of International Youth Exchange Programme (26th July)
Kaynarca Köyü Erzak Kuponu Dağıtımı (25 Temmuz)
Market vouchers distribution at Kaynarca Village (25th July)
Bizim Köy Projesi kapsamında Bozhane Köyünde düzenlenen Ramazan Eğlencesine Kulübümüzce sponsor olunmuştur.(28 Temmuz 2013)
In the Frame of Our Village Project of District 118-Y TURKEY organized Ramadan Entertaiment at Bozhane Village. For this event our club was one of the sponsors.(28th July)