
Wow! A new Lion year is just beginning and Lion President Elvin is excited to share many new ideas for our club. Here are some of my 2024-2025 Goals:

  • Recruit & Retain Members
  • Invite Local Business Leaders as Meeting Speakers UPDATE:  Lion Charlie Hoober was our first speaker & he gave a wonderful town history while telling about his family's business.
  • Be a PRESENCE in the Intercourse Community
  • Participate in 2024 Bacon Fest
  • Plan FUN Social Events for Club Members UPDATE:  Visited the Pequea Valley IS planetarium for a star show with our friends from York County, York New Salem Lions 
  • Hold January "White Out," February "Go Red," and March "Think Green for Spring" Food Drives, collecting white, red and green food & toiletry items for each month's initiatives.  All donations accepted
  • Plan Events:  Invited PVIS Jazz Band to hold a concert at the Community Bible Church in Gordonville as a membership drive in the community

You'll want to attend meetings to keep up with ALL the news! Upcoming events include:

  • Flea Market & food stand - canceled this fall
  • Regular Meeting 2nd Tuesday of the month, at Gordonville Community Bible Church, 6:30 pm
  • Regular Meeting 4th Tuesday of the month, at Gordonville Community Bible Church, 6:30 pm 
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