
Club Fund-Raising Projects

 Turkey Shoot

                Held for 8 Weeks in the Autumn

   Starting the 1st Saturday in October  and continuing every Saturday thru     Thanksgiving  Day.    







Women, men and even little kids can do it , Come on out and join the fun

Funds derived from this projected support our local activities

 and for the special needs of the local population




Brighter Visions

Saturdays  Starting in February 2015


Lion Al Kratzer & Contributor at Walmart


                  Lion Gayle Ford & Donor                     Lion John Vann Williams                         

As the name "Brighter Visions" implies,  these funds are dedicated for the  support of services to the blind and visually impaired and to the operation of Camp Dogwood, a facility for the blind located on Lake Norman.





Broom Sales



 All during the year the members sell brooms made by the visually impaired


Broom  Sale-Dates to be Determined


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