Christmas Dinner 2023. Thank You Capital City Chorus for Great Entertainment.
Christmas Dinner 2023. Thank You Capital City Chorus for outstanding entertainment.
Dick Garrettson & Friend Carolyn
Bob Snyder. Jan Snyder & Ram Sing
Mike & Debbi New
June 2023- Celebrating a New Lions Year. End of June 2022/2023 & Start of June 2023/2024.
President Joe Snyder, Secretary Irene Snyder.
Both in their 3rd Year Term!
1st Vice-President Robin Roberts w/ Joe Snyder
Treasuer Bob Snyder
2nd Vice President Don Griffith
Lion Carolyn Clayton
Past Governor & State Sue Toft in the background.
New Officers Jan Misner, Jan Snyder
1st Year Director Dick Garretson
1st Year Director Noel Paul
Tail Twister Sheila Vidito
Christmas Party December 14, 2022
What a better way to spend Christmas than Caroling! Thank you Trebelmakers of Hendricks County.
Lion Irene Snyder received "Lion of the Year" for 2021/2022
Chapel Hill Chrismas Party December 15, 2021
The Event was as great as ever. Great food and entertainment.
Thanks to the Talent & Vocals of Cheryl Wyatt. (
Chapel Hill Lions Celebrate 50 Years as a Lions Club! October 2021 Dinner Mtg. Offical Guests-
District Governor Jeff Locke, and his wife Angela,
1st Vice Governor Linda Scott, and her husband PDG John Scott,
And PDG and State Secretary Sue Toft enjoyed the evening.
Not only did we celebrate 50 years as a club, we celebrated :
20 Years for Bill Srader
20 Years for Bob Snyder
45 Years for Brian Niederhauser
DG Jeff Locke presented each with Lions Chevrons.
A great night was had by all. Each Chapel Hill Lions member received a 50 Year Club Chevron! The food was excellent. A picture archive showed pictures from many past events. In the end, District Governor Jeff Locke presented a 50 Year Club Medalion to be sewed onto the Club Banner. We had 16 Members & 27 Guests.
Jeff Locke with Bill Srader Jeff Locke with Bob Snyder
Member Brian Niederhauser receives a 45 Year Chevron from DG Jeff Locke
Lions President Joe Snyder receives the 50 Year Club Award from Jeff Locke
April 2021 Dinner Meeting
It was District Governors Evening and Pin Awards
Special Recognistion for Lion Dick Garretson - 40 Years as a Lion
Special Recognition Carolyn Clayton - 10 Years as a Lion
Special Recognition Sheila Vidito - 10 Years as a Lion
DG Ken Faulkner, Sheila Vidito, Carolyn Clayton
DG Ken Faulkner , Dick Garretson
Several members of Dick's family joined in the fun.
Dick and his four daughters- Amy, Ellen, Karen, & Kathy
Spring has Sprung!
The Chapel Hill Lions try to do their best. We are back having Furniture & Gargage sales on the fouth Saturday of every month. We miss not able to Vision Screen our kids at Wayne Twp. Schools.
Robot Winners - Chaplewood Elementary
This Club supported the Chaplewood Elementary School
Robot Team this year. These young men finished 4TH in the Indiana State Finals and 6TH in the WORLD Finals! CONGRATULATIONS.
Congratulations: Students Alex Modesto and Kevin Martinez.
The Team is managed by teachers Carrie Duff and Mary Mason.
These young men work with & compete with other robot teams in 60 second contests to produce combined scores. Check out- "Best Robotics" on the web. We invited the team to one of our monthly dinners. Thank You Chapelwood Robot Team.
Scholarship Dinner with Winners-
(One of our many Chapel Hill Donation Projects is our Scholarships for High School students)
Congratulations to our four winners for 2018/2019 school session-
Megan Hernly from Ben Davis High School
She Received $1,000 to help her become a High School Math teacher at Purdue.
Congratulations Kailey Howell from Covenant Christian High School
Kailey received $1,000 to help her at ISU Nursing.
(Also winners , but couldn't attend - thus no pictures-)
Congratulations Jennifer Leeper from Ben Davis High School
She received $1,000 to help her for IUPUI Pre-Dentistry
Congratulations Henry Geronimo from Ben Davis University HS
Henry received $1,000 to help him in Biology at Grand Canyon University
Congratulations to All, Good Luck Students for Next Year!
2019 - 2020 Installation of Officers Meeting - June 19, 2019.
Thank You - Sue Topf, State Administration Secretary & Past District Governor.
Dinner with Surprises:
Don Griffith received his 35 Year Pin
Jim Halstead Received the 2018/2019 Distinguished Lion Award
Carolyn Clayton Received the 2018/2019 Lion Of The Year
Monthly Dinner Meeting- March 21, 2019
Special thanks to Will Schaust from Eagle Creek Park Ornithology Center and his feathered friends. (He was a great Guest Speaker)
Indianapolis Chapel Hill Lions meet at The Micro-Tel, Rockville Rd. the 1st & 3rd Wed, 7pm, every month.
Christmas Fun at West Side Gardens 2018
Cheryl Wyatt was Fantastic Entertainment.
Members Bill Srader, Jim Halstead, & Cathy Schipper donate Bicycles every Christmas.
Chapel Wood Elementary receives One Boys & One Girls Bike for every grade.
Thank You Lion Bill, Jim & Cathy.
Chapel Hill Lions Club - Governor's Night 2018
District Governor Ron Bingham and his wife Pat visited 10/18/18.
Ron awarded SERVICE Pins To:
Lion Jack Orebaugh - 40 Years, Lion Don Griffith - 30 Years
Lion Tracy Clayton - 30 Years, Lion Jim Halstead - 25 Years
Jack Orebaugh
Jim Halstead
Congratulations to All.
Chapel Hill Lions Club - Governor's Night 2017
We were visited by District 25-F Governor Melissa Baker on July 19th, 2017.
Governor Baker shared that her year was going to be dedicated to nurturing the clubs and members that are presently a part of District 25-F while emphasizing the Lions Motto - We Serve.
There was an excellent turnout at this meeting with lots of members and guests. Governor Baker had a lot of very positive comments and ideas to share with us.
Chapel Hill Lions is looking forward to another banner year of Service.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.