Community Birthday Calendar

Canoe Landing 2003
Constructed at Four Seasons Park
Easter Egg Hunt
The 19th annual Easter Egg hunt was cancelled due to COVID-18
11:00 a.m. - Four Seasons Park - Ages 9 and under
Barneson Insurance | Everin Tax Service |
Baxa Dental | Independence State Bank |
Coffee Pot Café | TCC |
East End Bar | Northern Investment |
Edison Funeral Home | State Bank of Arcadia |
Independence City Hall |
26th Annual City Clean-up April 25, 2020

Eyeglass Collection

See this information PDF file
Shelter at Bridge

Lions Campground at

The Independence Lions responded to the Reading Action Program initiative in a big way again on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 by hosting a second Family Fun Reading Night for students in grades 4K through 3 in the Independence school district. Lions bought and prepared a supper of hot dogs, chips, fruit, bars, and milk at 5:30, and at 6 the reading-centered activities began. The 80 parents and children who attended could choose from making bookmarks, exploring iPads, or playing language-centered board games. As well, Celebrity Readers such as the postmaster, the dentist, and Miss Independence read aloud from their favorite books. There were three 20-minute sessions of each activity, so everyone got a chance to participate in several activities. Lions members, along with other volunteers, assisted with each of these activities. At the end of the evening, there was a drawing for reading and language-centered door prizes, and each child got to choose a book to take home, thanks to a grant from the Scholastic Book Company.
Next year's event will be held on
Thirty-three third graders from both Independence Public School and Saints Peter and Paul School received bike helmets on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, courtesy of the Independence Lions Club. Officer Matt Pedersen of the Independence Police Department was present to review principles of bike safety before the helmets were distributed. Lions Paul Tobiason and Paul Vine, both serious bikers, stressed the importance of wearing helmets at all times, and led the children in a pledge to always wear their helmets.