
  – Blood Donation is a very sacred

Peace Poster Contest

Promoting Peace through

children. Cosmo conducted

Peace Poster contest – our

club was awarded with 1

award in multiple and was sent

to International level contest.

Delhi Public School# First

Prize winner: K. Niveditha

Survey No. 625, Diamond

Point, Tarbund, Sikh Village,

Secunderabad 500 003. Lion Shrikant Kolhe was

Committee Chairman and Lion Lady Asha Jariwala

and Lion Sangeeta Choudhary were Co-chairmen.

st prize

Diabetes Awareness & Screening :

screening were conducted with expenditure of

35584/-. Ln. Ram Mohan & Ln. Prakasam Banda

are committee Chairman & Co-Chairman.

740 Diabetes

Lions Strides Walk :

conduct Lions Strides walk on Nov 14

occasion of World diabetes day. Govt machinery,

Leading Doctors & Hospitals, Pharma Companies

and Lions and people from all walks of life

participated in the event and walk.

It was widely published in TV & FM Radio. Our

club activity has got good reviews in Lions


Cosmo was the only club toth on the  

Blood Donation

service activity. 250 Units of Blood Was organized

to various blood Banks as on 31.3.2010. Ln. Sanjay

Choudhary is Chairman of the committee. Blood

donation awareness program and Blood grouping

activity was conducted by Lion Vandana Rathi.

Lions Clubs International News
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