
We Serve!

In keeping with the Lion motto "We Serve," the Hudson Lions are involved in a number of projects in Hudson and the area, with a focus on children, vision, and the needy. Here is a sampling:

Early Childhood Vision Screening - Lions have been certified to provide preliminary vision screening for pre-schoolers and elementary students, holding the screenings at various times during the school year.  A SPOT screening devise can detect six areas of deficiency which, if getting professional attention, can avoid future sight problems including blindness.


Hearing Aids We provide funding for hearing aids to financially needy individuals through our Wisconsin Lions Foundation Hearing Aid program:

Eye Tissue Transport - Relays of local Lions transport eye tissue, inoculated at local hospitals, to the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin (LEBW) to be prepared for implantation, and transport the tissue back to hospitals for implantation in vision-needy individuals.

Grace Place - Each year the organization collects food, clothing and hygiene items for individuals who are using the shelter in New Richmond.

Scholarships - Two graduating students of the Hudson school system are receiving $1,000 scholarships from the club each year to be used toward their first year of college. Here is information on the scholarships:

Camp Needlepoint Service - at the camp for kids with diabetes held at the local YMCA Camp, members help out by serving meals to campers and their families. Funds are raised from the Hudson community to provide the free week-long camperships.

Wisconsin Lions Camp - We annually provide considerable funding to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation (WLF) near Rosholt, WI to provide vision impaired children and adults, hearing impaired individuals, and mildly cognitively impaired children, the opportunity to partake in camp activities with others having similar impairment.

Leader Dogs - We regularly provide funds to Leader Dogs for the Blind which trains dogs to help blind citizens live a useful life. The dogs are provided at no cost to the recipient. Details of their program can be found at

Badger Boys and Girls State - We annually provide funding to support a local student who attends these two outstanding sessions.

World Affairs Seminar - We annually provide funding for a local student who seeks to attend this session for international students, held in Waukesha, WI, annually.

Eyeglasses - are provided for any needy students referred by the local schools, and financially needy adults.

Used Eyeglass Collection - We collect used eyeglasses from community residents to recycle them for placement to individuals in Mexico, Nicaragua, etc.  Receptacles to collect them can be found at most Hudson eyeglass providers, Mickleson Drug, Fresh & Natural Foods, Hudson Pharmacy @ County Market, Westconsin Credit Union, MidwestOne Bank and St Croix Co Office On Aging in Gov't Center.  We also collect used hearing aids, cell phones and ink cartridges (Please place cartridges in plastic bags) in the same receptacles.  See collections  for all locations.

Club Contribution History - click to see a listing of all funding provided since our club's chartering in 1987.

Salvation Army Bell-Ringing - traditionally Lion members have been standing in the cold in November or December to help with collecting funds for the needy.

Wisconsin is a donor registry state.  This generous gift can save the life of someone else, but 70% of the time the driver's license or donor card cannot be located at the time of death.  The Wisconsin Donor Registry is a way for the donation professionals to learn if someone is a registered donor.  Please go to and become a registered organ donor today.


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