
Photo Gallery

Outgoing president Lion Linda Gregory receives a President's plaque from Lions Lou and Sharon Mancini

Outgoing president Lion Linda Gregory the gavel to incoming president, Lion Barry Bloom

PDG Lion JoAnn Rodgers

Lion Lou Mancini receives his Lion of the Year award. Lion Sharon also received a Lion of the Year award for 2020-2021.

Our newest member, Lion Patty Croon, receives a Certificate of Appreciation for her support of the Beeping Easter Egg Hunt

District Governor-Elect Lion Chuck Carter installs our officers for 2021-2022 while Lion Patty Jean Strong, Lion Jim Scherer, Paul Bloom, Lion Dan Rodgers and Lion JoAnn Rodgers look on,.

Hudson Bayonet Point Lions supported Lighthouse's Beeping Easter Egg Hunt. Shown are Lions Alan Ritchie and Lion Marian Ritchie.

Hudson Bayonet Point Lions supported Lighthouse's Beeping Easter Egg Hunt. Shown are 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Jim Gregory and club secretary, Lion Barry Bloom.

Hudson Bayonet Point Lions supported Lighthouse's Beeping Easter Egg Hunt

Lion Sharon Mancini receives a Certificate of Appreciation for collecting used eyeglasses in 2020-2021 while her husband, Lion Lou, looks on.

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