
Lions Club of Singapore (Host)

LCS Host club (represented by President Lee HJ and BOD members L Leow CM, L Patricia Kong and L Alice Tee) attended and supported the Prosthetic limbs service project of Lions Club of Penang Light on 17th August 2018 in Penang.




Feeding Service Project

23 March 2019

PP Leow CM, PP Patricia Kong, Mdm Wong (Pat's mum) and Club Secretary Andrew Ho represented Lions Club of Singapore Host to participate and support Amity Manila Lions Club service project which is to feed around 50-60 children from very poor background.   Lions Club of KL Host Club President Lawrence Ang and Directors Leow KP Leow and Karen Yeong also supported and participated in the service project today.  The feeding was carried out at 2 locations (Barangay 163 and Barangay 153). Besides providing lunch, the children were also given goodies (color pencil, coloring books and snacks).  At each location, about 60 children benefitted from this service project. According to PDG Ruth Chua from Amity Manila Lions Club, these children come from very poor background and hardly have proper meal. The service project provides the lunch 3 times per week.  Lions Club of Singapore Host contribute approxiamately USD300 at the event for the organiser to pay for the future meals for these children over a period of time.  


Preparing the goodies for the children






































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