Photo Gallery
First Vice District Governor Matt Webber installs 2012-2013 Hope Lions Club officers on June 25, 2012 at Garrett Memorial Baptist Church
The Hope Lions heard from Dr. Michael Yoder of UCA and the Arkansas Humanities Council on Monday, June 11th
Relay For Life Sponsor Plaque Presented To Lions
CASA Speaks To Lions
The Hope Lions heard from Brad Baker, C.E.O. of Mid-South Lions Sight and Hearing Services in Memphis on Monday May 14th. Mid-South offers free treatment for needy patients from Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee. It is supported by Lion's Clubs through
The Hope Lions Club heard from retiring Hope Schools Superinten​dent Kenneth Muldrew and incoming Superinten​dent Bobby Hart Monday, April 30th
2012 UACCH Lions Fish Fry
2012 UACCH Lions Fish Fry
2012 UACCH Lions Fish Fry
2012 UACCH Lions Fish Fry