We are have implemented our legacy projects for the 100th Anniversary of Lions International.
1. A new bulletin board has been constructed near the Farmers Market Barn in the park.
2. Updated road signage has been installed at both East and West M46 and in the center of town.
3. Our "Light Up the Town" Christmas light project has been active since 2018 and we have planned to create additional displays in the Summer. Public support is welcome, a contribution board with support forms is on display at the Downtown Richland Township Park.
4. Hemlock Lions along with other friends recently completed a Wheelchair Ramp project giving a local resident access to his home upon release from the hospital.
5. A White Cane collection is scheduled to raise funds for local eyesight projects.
6. The Hemlock Road clean up is done three times a year. Our first clean up is scheduled for the morning of May 24th.