
The Young Leaders in Service Award allows Lions clubs to recognise young people between the ages of 11-18 years of age who are actively involved in providing a service to others.
Contact us for details.

#WeServe #kindnessmatters #community

Message In a Bottle/Wallet

Message in a Bottle  is not solely a Lions initiative, however it is an initiative that we at Hemel Hempstead Lions have taken to and recognise as a means of fulfilling our motto “We Serve”.

This scheme is free to the user. Whilst it is focused on the more vulnerable people in our community, anyone can fall downstairs, so this scheme can benefit anyone, including you. As a minimum it will save the Emergency Services valuable time identifying you and your emergency contacts. By telling whether you have special medication or allergies or not, it is a potential lifesaver and provides peace of mind to users and their friends and families.

Bottles are available at  the Lions Bookshop, The Marlowes Centre, Hemel Hempstead, and many pharmacies and doctors surgeries ,. If you are having difficulty getting a bottle please contact or contact any Lions Club. Ask us about message in a wallet too.




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