Saint Joe's School for the Blind - Saint Joe's serves the severely handicapped and blind children and was started in 1962, when it was realized that these blind children were not being cared for by any other agency. The children have, in addition to their blindness, one or more of the following handicaps: epilepsy, brain damage, cerebral palsy, emotional problems, muteness and deafness. The ultimate purpose is to educate children, multiple handicapped blind, to the extent of their ability to learn, to train them in the activities of daily living and to provide pre-vocational training.

Pathways to Independence, Inc. - to provide program services to adults with disabilities. These programs shall provide individuals with the skills necessary to reach the most independent level of functioning possible for each person. It is the intent of the program to provide individuals with disabilities the opportunity to earn an income and to maximize independent living skills. Services will be provided throughout the State of N.J. with the primary emphasis in Hudson and Bergen Counties.

Camp Marcella - The camp is located in Rockaway Township, and was founded by a group of private citizens interested in providing such a facility for the blind children. The New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired cooperates with the private foundation in providing the physical needs of the camp. Lions’ members and Clubs provide financial help and also physical labor in preparing the camp for its opening each spring. A two-week camping experience is provided each summer for more than 300 young blind children, ages 5-16.

Camp Fatima of NJ - New Jersey's only all volunteer one to one camp for the developmentally disabled. We provide a two week summer program for children with disabilities and four weekend sessions for adults with disabilities in the Fall and the Spring. We are a non- profit organization that exists soley on donations and no one is charged to attend our camps.

The Lions Eye Research Foundation (LERF) - Our primary purpose is to raise monies used to fund the Lions Eye Reasearch Foundation. The Foundation uses these funds exclusively for eye disease treatment, research, and sight conservation. The Alfonse Cinotti Chair of Opthalmology at Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School (formerly UMDNJ) was funded by the Foundation to promote and stimulate eye research in the prevention of the occurrence of eye disease and defects.