

    Hale Lions Club Dinner Meeting

    2/12//2024 6:00 pm

    Second VP Fred Lewis,


    Pledge of allegiance: 6:00 pm


    A float for the July 4th parade was mentioned and approved.

    Our Easter Bunny will be at the Victorian Café on March 30th Between 11:00 and 2:00pm.                            ANY OTHER BUSINESS: A survey was received from Internation and discussed and no changes to our present way of holding meetings etc. was deemed necessary.

                                                    Next Meeting March 11th, 2024, Adjourned at 6:28pm

                                                                                                                Submitted by Secretary Spence Chinavare


    Still need a president: Any volunteers



    Plans are being made to update our Horse Racing Track, it was mentioned that Amazon has a similar track, it will be checked out.

    White Cane will be held the second weekend in July.

    PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES: We are officially out of providing Handicamp Ramps because of liabilities.



    Membership: Did you ask a friend to join us?


    Club Correspondence:  Received a letter from Iosco-Arenac District Library requesting a donation of $100.00, this is a budgeted item and will be sent to them.  Hale Area School held a Scholarship night for their seniors on February 7th, Cheryl and other members attended the event. On May 15th at 6:30 pm they will be hosting their Celebrate Excellence Night at which time scholarships will be handed out.  It was noted that all 18 graduating seniors applied for scholarships. A thank you letter was received from Ms. Crystal Yachcik which included a brail copy from Jacob S one of her students expressing his gratitude for the glasses our Club gave him.
    Treasurer’s Report: Copies were handed out, motion by Roger seconded by Gene to approve the treasures report, Approved


    Secretary Report: January minutes were handed out, motion by Kathy and seconded by Roger to approve the minutes.  Approved


    Call to order:   No additions to agenda 10 members were present.


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