Management of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions club Organized a Project namely called Distribution of Ramzan Rashan to deservings at Khawajgan Road Gujrat.

20-7-2017 BOD'S Meeting.
IPDG Lion Sitara Satwat MJF Installed here lapel pins on New and Old Club Members.
On the eve of Annual Club Convention some Performance awards and gifts were distributed among the Honorable Guests and club members.
The Members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Celebrated the Birthday of Club President Lion Hamza Shehryar and PDG Lion Ishfaq Ahmed Razi.
Annual Club Convention & Handing Over Taking Over Ceremony of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club was held at Noor Restaurant Kharian where PDG Lion Dr. Amin Gull, PDG Lion Ishfaq Ahmed Razi, PDG Lion Arshad Rauf participated as Guest of honor and IPDG Lion Sitara Satwat MJF Participated as Chief Guest.
On the eve of Annual Club Convention new Club Officers were successfully Installed by IPDG Lion Sitara Satwat MJF.
BBQ party was hosted by Clubs first Vice President Lion Muhammad Afzal in Honor of new Club Officers at Razi Farm House Gujrat.
Board of Directors meeting was held today 1-8-2017 at Zafar & Associates gujrat.
Birthday celebrations of Lion Nadeem Akhtar Shahzad Advocate at Zafar &a Associates Gujrat.
Independence Day Celebrations
Cake Cutting Ceremony (Ishfaq Razi Lions Club).
Food for All (Ishfaq Razi Lions Club).
"21/8/2017 Tree plantation project by the members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions club was held at Kunjah".
22/8/2017 BOD meeting held at Lahore Iron Store.
A Get together Chapli kabab party was held on Eid at Razi Farmhouse.
9-9-2017 BOD'S meeting held at Zafar & Associates Gujrat.
Free Medical Camp.
Celebrating Birthday of Lion Mohsan Majeed.
Monthly General Body Meeting. 16 September 2017
The Members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Strongly Condemn the Brutality on The Muslims of Burma and they are continuously recording protest against such acts.
4/6/2017 BOD meeting held at Zafar & Associates Gujrat.
7/10/2017 The Members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club conducted Diabetes Awareness walk at Jalalpur Jattan Gujrat.
The members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club gathered at Jaffar Jewellers Jalalpur Jattan to Congratulate Lion Jaffar Aman Ullah on Performing Hajj Mubarak.
20/10/2017 Monthly General Body Meeting and Dinner In the honor of Newly Elected President of The Gujrat Chamber Of Commerce and Industry was Held at noor Restaurant Kharian.
Where PDG Lion Ishfaq Ahmed Razi was present as Guest of Honor and Lion Ali Ansar Ghumman President GTCCI was present as Chief Guest of the Event.
On the Eve of General Body Meeting Notifications and Certificates were distributed among the members.
31-10-2017 President Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Lion Adnan Tariq Janjua is handing over the money for Eye Surgeries to Dr Zia Aurangzeb Ghaffar.
7-11-2017 BOD’S Meeting held at Zafar & Associates Gujrat.
9/11/2017 Lions Get together and Cake cutting ceremony Hosted by Club President Lion Adnan Tariq Janjua on Iqbal Day was held at Razi Farmhouse.
Participation in a Meeting with Endorse Candidate for International Director of Lions Clubs International Lion Miyan Muhammad Idrees where PDG’S of Gujrat Lion Ishfaq Ahmed Razi, Lion Dr Amin Gull and Lion Amer Noaman along with other Lions of Gujrat were present at National Furniture which was hosted by Lion Amjad Farooq.
22/11/2017 Fish Party Hosted By Club’s Past President Lion Hamza Shahryar in the honour of Club Members.
8-12-2017 BOD’S Meeting regarding upcoming projects.
The members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club are Celebrating Quaid’s Day with full zeal and zest.
2-1-2018 BOD’s Meeting held at Zafar & Associates Gujrat.
9-1-2018 the Members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club arranged one day blood donation camp at Sundas Foundation Gujrat.
The members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Congratulated Lion Ishfaq Ahmed Razi on Becoming President of The Gujrat Tax Bar Association.
10-1-2018 The Members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Celebrated Birthday of young and energetic Lion Gohar Ishfaq.
Today 11-1-2018 Meeting with Lion Amer Noaman PDG (MJF) at his factory.
12-1-2018 Meeting with Past President Lion Rizwan Nazar at his Office.
Charter Night of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club was scheduled on 14th of Jan 2018 at Noor Restaurant Kharian where Lion Dr Zia Ahmed Ghaffar, Lion Ali Ansar Ghumman President Chamber of Commerce, PDG Lion Amer Noaman (MJF), PDG Lion Ishfaq Ahmed Razi were present as Guest of Honor and PDG Lion Dr Amin Gull was present as Chief Guest of the Event.
On the Eve of Charter Night Gifts were Presented to the Honorable Guests by Club President Lion Adnan Tariq Janjua and Event Chairperson Lion Hamza Shehryayr.
On Charter Night Eve two cake cutting ceremonies were held one cake for 5th Charter Night and the Other for Melvin Jones Birthday.
19-1-2018 BOD’s Meeting was held at Zafar & Associates Gujrat regarding upcoming projects.
20-1-2018 The Members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Donated Sewing Machine to a deserving family.
21-1-2018 The Members Of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Congratulated Lion Shoaib Paul on Performing Umrah.
31-1-2018 The Members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club are handing over donations to Lion Dr Zia Ahmed Ghaffar for Eye Surgeries.
15-2-2018 BOD’s Meeting held at Zafar & Associates Gujrat.
A great Get-Together 22/2/2018 at Razi Farm House Bonfire and Ghazal Night Organised and hosted by Club President Lion Adnan Tariq Janjua & Club Secretary Lion Sikander Ishfaq.
On Lions Get-together 22/2/2018 The Members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Celebrated the Birthday of Very Active Lion Faisal Shahzad.
27-2-2018 Funds Donation and Prize Distribution Ceremony was held at Government High School Baghowal where Project Chairperson Loin Bilal Murad was present as Chief Guest along with Lion Adnan Tariq Janjua Club President Lion Sikander Ishfaq, Lion Jaffar Aman Ullah and Lion Usman Khalid were present as Guest of Honor.
28-2-2018 Funds Donation for Water Boring and Prize Distribution Ceremony was Held at Hardaspur Primary School where Project Chair Person and Chief Guest Lion Bilal Murad along with Lion Adnan Tariq Janjua Club President and Lion Soban Shahid were present as Guest of Honor.
Lion Bilal Murad Distributed School Uniforms in Government Primary School Hayat Garh.
11-3-2018 The Members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Distributed Fresh Meat in Deserving people at Hayat Garh Village.
Project Chairperson Lion Bilal Murad.
21-3-2018 The Members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club are congratulating Lion Muhammad Afzal Clubs first Vice President on Performing Umrah.
22-3-2018 The Members of the Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Installed water Cooler with filter at Govt Primary School Kot Bela Project Chairperson Lion Bilal Murad.
4-4-2018 Food for all project was organised by the members of The Gujrat Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Gujrat in the Slum areas of gujrat, Project Chairperson Lion Hamza Shehryar.
2-5-2018 BOD’s Meeting was held at Zafar & Associates Gujrat.
18-5-2018 BOD’S Meeting regarding upcoming cabinet and Iftar dinner was hosted by Club President Lion Adnan Tariq Janjua.
23-5-2018 BOD’s meeting plus Iftar dinner was held at kharian regarding upcoming handing over taking over ceremony.
Members of Ishfaq Razi Lions Club Distribute Ramzan Rashan to Deserving Peoples
On the Eve of Handing Over Taking Over Ceremony Annual Club Performance Awards and Appreciation Awards were also distributed among the Members.