This wonderful event was planned and supported by the combined efforts of Bellevue Lion’s Club, Jubilee Reach, Dr. Sam Hsu and Bellevue School nurses was an enormous success.
Flyers and information had been spread throughout Bellevue Schools inviting students and their families without insurance or other means of payment to come to Interlake High School for a free vision screening and pair of glasses. The event started at 3:00pm. Our biggest surprise was the large number of students accompanied by parents lined up in hallways by 2:30 that afternoon!
Dr. Hsu came bearing all his equipment and the help of two fellow optometrists. Along with nurse volunteers and Tom Brewer from Jubilee, this team worked its way through nearly 60 eye examinations over three hour. (We found we needed more help!). Twenty-seven students were fitted for new glasses, three referred to Dr. Hsu’s office for follow up due to severity of vision problems. An additional 30 students placed their names on a list for vision screening with the school nurse and possible referral to Lion’s Club for glasses.
The response was overwhelming. We had to lock doors and turn people away by 4:30 (had hoped to see people until 6:00). By 4:30 the lines was wrapped around two corners and out the office door. We saw a particular need with free /reduced lunch high school students. There is no school screening requirement for high school (last school screening done in 7th grade). These older (15-16) students were so grateful at the chance to get glasses. Very emotional.
There has already been feedback from the students needing nurse follow up. Twelve to date will be referred on for glasses through Lion’s Club vouchers!
The Bellevue Lion’s Club is providing a tremendous service for Bellevue’s neediest students with vision support through their voucher system! You are amazing.
- Sonja Reid, Bellevue School District Lead Nurse