
Are You Ready For Some Pancakes?

We are starting to plan for our 2025 Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, April 27, 2025 at the Grayslake Fire Station in downtown Grayslake.

All Lions, put that date in your calendar!

Pancake Breakfast FLYER





Thank You to everyone who made the 2024 Pancake Breakfast a ROARING success!

We could not have done it without the help of our community members, Lions near and far, our sponsors, and the Grayslake Fire Department. THANK YOU!

The Pancake Breakfast was started many years ago by the Grayslake Lioness Club.  It was held at the Grayslake Central High School until they built the Field House.   After the fieldhouse was built, it was difficult to access the cafeteria from the parking lot.  That is when the Pancake Breakfast was moved to the Grayslake Fire Station. After the merger of the Lionesses with the Lions Club, the Pancake Breakfast became a fundraiser for the Lions Club. The Lions Club started having the breakfast in 1999.
2022 Pancake Breakfast
Coming In For Pancakes
Enjoying PancakesOur ticket selling teamEnjoying PancakesOur serving teamOur coffee and O.J. teamOur District 1-F Governor and D.G. elect
Past D.G. WaltersOur youth waitstaffEating Pancakes
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