Mobile Skin Cancer Screening
This unit has air conditioned consultation rooms and is towed by a truck which has a diesel generator and storage on the tray. This means the self-contained unit may be used in any location in our two districts which covers a large area. Some of our towns are 3000 km apart!
Australia has one of the highest incidences of skin cancer in the world and about 25% of those screened have been advised to do a follow up with their doctor. Our volunteer screeners are qualified nurses who do special training to detect skin abnormalities. Checks are completely free.
The screening may be conducted in your locality at a shopping or community centre
Recycling Spectacles
We collect unwanted spectacles which are collected for checking and prescriptions are noted so that they may be sent to third world countries and distibuted free of charge to anyone who needs them.
All work is done by volunteers and Australia Post allows free postage form anywhere in Australia to the collection centre in Queensland.
Our club has a collection point at the optician in The Village Shopping Centre. Please feel free to leave unwanted spectacles there or contact out club.
Clean Up Australia Day
Our club joins in the Clean Up Australia Day. It is usually held on the first day of March each year and we collect litter and rubbish from the side of The Golden Way, the Park and Ride and Golden Grove High School boundary.
Members of the public are invited to join us. For updated details see our news page or Facebook which will have details a few months beforehand.
Gloves, bags and HiVis jackets are provided and all that is found and bagged is collected by arrangement with the City of Tea Tree Gully Council.
Cubs Club - Pedare Pride
This is a new innitiative of City of Adelaide Lions Club and Golden Grove Lions Club.
This group of primary school aged students at Pedare Christian School formed the second group in the world of Cubs Clubs. The first one was formed by City of Adelaide Lions. They meet after school once a week and conduct their meetings using the Lions ethics and purposes as a basis of their operations. As well as school staff, Lions assist with the supervision and support of these Cubs.
As well as organising their own fund raising to support causes that they have chosen, the cubs usually have a craft activity at their meetings. Special mention must be made of the efforts of Petrea Stacey of City of Adelaide Lions and her daughter, Indianna for their support and leadership. Indianna was a member of the first group but moved schools and helped us establish a new Cubs Club.