Like us on Facebook: Globe Lions Club
Mailing Address: PO BOX 562, Globe, AZ 85502
Grateful recipient of charitable grants from United Fund of Globe-Miami to support our All Children Eat (ACE) Program, assist with providing vision services, and sponsoring campers to Lions Camp Tatiyee (only certified Arizona special needs camp.)
Globe Lions Club received a congratulatory recognition plaque from Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) for exceeding by 200% their members' pledges in the worldwide campaign fundraiser for LCIF. The foundation is the charity arm of Lions International to provide grants to Lions districts to assist with projects too large for one club to accomplish and includes grants for disaster relief, youth, humanitarian, childhood cancer, hunger, envirionment, vision, and diabetes projects. 100% of donated funds go toward the project, not administrative costs. The fundraiser campaign ran for five years.

Project ACE provides FREE food and hygiene supplies directly to students and is confidential. Students just need to ask their school nurse or secretary for access to the pantries in their schools if there is a need. Project ACE also provided a washer and dryer to each school to help those students experiencing laundry challenges.
Lions International Youth Exchange 2023 Camp
C. Kirby Smithe - July 8, 2023
International Youth Exchange 2023 Camp
80th Charter Anniversary of the club's 1943 Charter.
(See Club History and info about the original charter was 1928-1933 with same Lions joining again.)
We had a great informal get together with great pasty cuisine prepared by the Lion Marty and Sheri Benson, and Debby Jennex's appetizers and cake from recipes in our cookbook. Guests included Lions from Connecticut (PID Carolyn Messier and guest PCC), Florence Lions with CCD Norm Messier, Gold Canyon Lions, San Tan Lions, and of course Safford Lions, DG Chris Gibbs and DGE Keith Alexander and Maryn Belling Executive Director of Globe-Miami United Fund.
Here's the Globe Lions who were able to attend - Dan and Debbie Guthrey, Jarry and Debby Jennex, LeeAnna and Jennifer Gourdin, Pearl Nancarrow (now a returning former member), Marty Benson, Steve and Bobbie Ravenkamp.
Our fundraiser project is available!!
Lion Debbie Guthrey collected recipes from a previous Globe Lions cookbook and members added even more of their own favorites. The cookbook will be available for purchase at First Friday and our upcoming 80th+ Charter Anniversary meet-and-greet gathering on Saturday, April 29th from 2 to 4 p.m. at St. Paul's UMC Globe. It's bargain priced at $10 (any other donations appreciated) to help us continue funding our service projects.
Globe First Friday event - our booth gave us much needed visibility and a chance to tell our story (and sell some cookbooks!).
Globe Lions Club was recognized at the 21S District Convention with the LCI Club Excellence Award for 2021-2022 with a banner patch and a lapel for the club president. The club qualified with sustained service projects for the community, membership and donations to LCIF.
Our newest Melvin Jones Fellows, Lion Aaron and President Jennifer Gourdin, for their humanitarian service to the Globe community!!
At the District 21S convention, PDG Bobbie was presented an international president medal for her efforts as the district LCIF Coordinator in raising funds for LCIF's Campaign 100.
Immediate Past President Steve presents the gavel and club bell to 2021-2022 President Jennifer Gourdin
And she's going to be our president again!
2024-2025 Officers listed on Members Page
Our ACE Program is providing an average of 125 food boxes to Globe-Miami families per week. Thank you to the many donors who help make this outreach possible.
President Steve and PDG Bobbie presented Lion Christa with an MJF in recognition for her humantiarian service for initiating and spearheading the ACE program. Thank you for your serice to the Globe-Miami community!!
The Globe Lions recently donated $1,000 each to Globe United Church, St. John's Episcopal and St. Paul's United Methodist Church sponsored Second Chance Store to help feed the underserved.
President John presented Father George and Globe Mayor Al Gameros with our club's $2500.00 donation to St. Vincent de Paul to help with their distribution of food baskets to help with food insecurity during the corona19 pandemic.
1/25/2020 - Arizona Lions Service Rally Day
We joined Lions all over Arizona in a Service Rally Day. Quarterly, our club 'polices" our assigned mile of US 60. It was a beautiful, crisp morning and we routinely collect lots of interesting discarded items, this time including a big foot shoe! Shown: President John Colson, Chuck Turney, Don and Barb Daily and Debbie Guthrey. Not shown: Dan Guthrey, Steve and Bobbie Ravenkamp
Past President Steve presented our Lion Christa DalMolin-East with a certificate of achievement from the President of Lions Clubs Internatioanal for her efforts in starting the All Children Eat (ACE) food pantries for all six of Globe and Miami public schools. The club receivedd a generous grant from the Globe-Miami United Fund and established relationships with local churches. Congratulations Lion Dr. Christa!!
2019 C. Kirby Smithe Lions International Exchange Students dinner on 7-13-19 at the Copper Hen in Globe. Students from ten different countries, all of them delightful!.
More new Lions -
We finally got to welcome 'newer' Lions Jennifer and Aaron Gourdin at our June meeting, pictured with 2018-19 President Steve Ravenkamp.
Melvin Jones Fellowship presentation to our Lion Chuck Turney and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship pin to Lion Ken Hein.
Two terrific Globe Lions!
President Steve with new Lions Will East and Christa Dalmolin-East.
Hosted a dinner for the 2018 C. Kirby Smithe Arizona Lions International Youth Exchange students. Wonderful ambassadors for their home countries: Erk Sundsov (Norway), Eyal Kapon (Israel), Marie Lourioux (France), Matias Lintala (Finland), Josephine tho Seeth (Germany), Florent Vanden Bergh (Belgium), Dorota Kolarova (Slovakia), Sofia Estero (Italy), Anne Nieuwstraren (Netherlands), and Mia Johnson (British Isles).
Globe Lions Club President Steve delivered donations collected at our 21-B Convention to Gila Community Food Bank. We also delivered 129 new hardbound books for elementary and young adult readers to the Globe Unified School District .
District Governor Bobbie and Past International Director Kembra Smith, our convention guest speaker, presented Past District Governor Barb Daily with an International Presidential Certificate of Appreciation for her continued contributions as our convention co-chair and Multiple District Global Leadership Team Coordinator. 130 Lions from all over Arizona attended the April 6-7 2018 District 21-B Convention held at Apache Gold Casino Resort. The convention theme was "Kindness Matters" spread with the spirit of Aloha.
At the March 19, 2018 Joint Council meeting of the City of Globe and Town of Miami, Globe Lions Club president, Steve Ravenkamp, introduced PDG Fred Garmeson, Arizona's LCIF Coordinator, who presented a corporate donor recognition plaque to Anna Petty and Jim Ralston of Pinto Valley Mine for the generous donation to LCIF made by Pinto Valley Mine employoees in support of hurricane disaster relief for Texas and Florida.
Donation information is on the "Club Projects" page
of this website. Thank you.
Melvin Jones Fellowships prsentations at our February meeting to Globe Lions: Danny Guthrey, Debbie Guthrey, John Colson, Bobbie Ravenkamp, Steve Ravenkamp and Rosalie Ayala
Thank you for your service!!
Globe Mayor Al Gameros and Miami Mayor Dalley requested that Globe Lions sponsor a joint fundraiser to storm victims for donations to LCIF.
Installation of 2017-18 Officers held June 16th.
Members shown: Lions Greg Riley, Don Daily, Ken Hein, Steve Ravenkamp, Bobbie Ravenkamp, (front) Audrey Opitz, Barb Daily, Debbie Guthey, Dan Guthrey and Donna Anderson.
Highway Clean-up
We enjoyed a beautiful, crisp morning for cleaning up our mile of US 60.
"Re-Cycle for Sight" donation box locations are listed on the "Eyeglass Donation Box Locations page. We collect eyeglasses, (prescription lens, sunglasses and reading glasses), cell phones and hearing aids.
We thank you in advance. Your donation is a small effort for you but a huge gift to many people in poverty areas of the world. The club serves as a satellite site for Arizona Lions Eyeglass Recycling Terminal (ALERT). These eyeglasses are packaged by prescription and provided to Lions medical missions to Mexico and the Philippines to provide sight to those who have no other options.
Globe Lions Club thanks the community for their donations of no-longer-needed eyeglasses. Lions Dan Guthrey, Barbara Nancarrow, Debbie Guthrey, Ken Hein and Bobbie Ravenkamp recently sorted and cleaned 555+ eyeglasses, readers, sunglasses and cases and sent on to the next club in processing for ALERT. And, we always have a good time working together in service!
International challenge for Lions to perform 100,000,000 Acts of Service already ACHIEVED!!!
New challenge is our global membership to perform 200,000,000 acts of service each year through 2020-2021.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.