

A number of our members recently visited the Children's Hospice at Charlton Farm in North Somerset.
The hospice opened in 2007 and our club contributed £3200 to the provision of the Lions Den that was funded by donations from Lions clubs in the south west of England.
Our members were given a tour of the hospice and were able to see first hand the wonderful facilities and meet some of the staff who provide such support to children with a life limiting illness and their families.
Members of our club have visited on previous occasions but never cease to be both moved and inspired by what they see and experience on their visit.
Those Lions visiting on this occasion took the opportunity to make one of our regular modest donations to the hospice.


District Governor Lion James Mathers and Lion Ian Burt

Our District Governor Lion James Mathers and his wife Lion Gail from the St Austell Lions Club visited us for our January meeting.

He was able to present to Lion Ian Burt a 50 year service Certificate of Appreciation signed by our Patron Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Edinburgh and the current Council Chairman Lion David Pope.

Ian joined the Association as a Leo in Petersfield and took on a number of roles in the United Kingdom as a Leo before becoming a Lion in Petersfield and subsequently Dumbarton, Cheddar Vale, City of Wells and now Glastonbury and Street.  During  his time as a Leo he met his wife Lesley and also the signatory on his certificate, Lion David Pope.

The club congratulates Ian on attaining this milestone and we look forward to your continued contribution to Lions Clubs International.


A group of ,members enjoyed a very informative visit to Wyke Farms near Evercreech and this was followed by a most enjoyable lunch at Jon Thorners restaurant, The Den.
During the visit our President Lion David Atkins took the opportunity to present a 25 year service chevron to Lion Peter Warburton.


At a social evening in June Lion Wendy Lynn handed over the reins of the club to Lion David Atkins for the next year.

During the evening Lion Rod Speed was presented with a Melvin Jones Fellowship in recognition of 40 years service to both the club and Lions Clubs International. 

A 30 years service chevron was also presented to Lion Peter Hill.


This year the Lions Club of Glastonbury and Street broke with convention and held their Christmas Social on twelfth night at Ashcott Village Hall. They enjoyed an excellent buffet supper accompanied by drinks, great company and some homespun entertainment.





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