All updates here are a Copy/Paste from our Facebook page
Tuesday January 18th Meeting of the Gibson City Lions Club started with a wonderful lunch of Italian Beef, Four-Bean Salad, Chips and Oatmeal Cake thanks to GoinPlaces Catering.
After the opening ceremony of the Singing of “America”, Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of Silence Illinois State Representative Lion Tom Bennett led us in Prayer.
I have a lot t o cover in this update starting with Tuesday February 1st Lion Bob Harshbarger will be visiting to pick up eyeglasses that have been donated to our club. If you have used eyeglasses laying around your home, Please contact me at for pick up Or PM us here on our Facebook page. I will be making the rounds in the next few days to pick up eyeglasses from area businesses that have our drop-off box displayed. If you are a Gibson City business that would like a drop-off box, please contact me at the above e-mail address or PM us here on our Facebook page and we will get a box to you.
As of today’s meeting, our Pancake and Sausage Day is still going to be held. The date will be February 27th at the GCMS Grade School with a tentative time of 8:00 am – 12:15 pm. Any changes or updates will be shared here and on our website at: That brings us to the website update. It is again up, running and updated. More pages to this site will be added over the next week. I know some of our Lions members do not use Facebook so we will be sure to have this source of information updated for everyone.
The Gibson City Lions Club Easter Egg hunt is scheduled for April 16th at North Park. We are looking for a chairperson and members for the Committee. If you would like to volunteer, Please PM us here on our FB page.
Our Program of the Day was GCMS Varsity Boys Basketball Head Coach Ryan Tompkins. Ryan spoke highly of his team both past and present when speaking of our Basketball Program. So much has changed since this time last year with no fans if the teams played at all to this year being a more normal season. While our boys are preparing for tomorrow evenings 6:00 pm game at DeeMack they can’t help but think ahead to the IHSA Tournaments that are making its return to the University of IL campus with games once again at the State Farm Center.
“We Serve”
Thursday January 13th Sixteen Lions Club Members and guest enjoyed our Monthly Lions Club Evening meeting at The Sand Trap. The Sand Trap served their Great Pizza and kept the drinks coming. After our opening Singing of “America”, The Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, and a Prayer led by Lion Dr. Hagan we quickly moved on to our Special Program.
A heartfelt round of applause erupted when Coach Mike Allen was introduced by Lion Dan Kearfott. Of Course, Mike doesn’t need an introduction as he is known and loved by all in Gibson City. Mike talked about his time as our GCMS Football Coach and how each one of his players held a special place in his heart. Mike’s career on the field with our Football team speaks for itself and needs little to no reminder of their success. What Mike Allen did off the field is where the true accolades belong. For 21-Years he helped a community raise Well-Rounded, Humble, Thoughtful and Grateful young adults. His lessons to his team members on the field were Life Lessons that each one of his players have taken with them off the field. They say “It takes a Village to raise a child” in Gibson City we also have Coach Mike Allen.
After our Program Gibson City Lions Club members discussed the Pancake Breakfast being held by the Bradley Lions Club. Bradley Lions Club will be hosting a pancake breakfast to benefit the families of Sgt. Marlene Rittmanic and Officer Tyler Bailey of the Bradley Police Department. There will be pancakes, sausage, biscuits, and gravy. The cost is $7 per person and children aged 5 and under are free. 835 W. Broadway, Bradley — from 7:30 to 11 a.m. Saturday
A written vote was taken by all attending Gibson City Lions Club members, a donation of $1,000.00 will be given to the Bradley Lions Club to help in their fund-raising efforts for the families of Sgt. Marlene Rittmanic and Officer Tyler Bailey.
Our next meeting will be Noon Tuesday January 18th at the Methodist Church. GoinPlaces Catering will be serving Italian Beef Sandwiches, 4-Bean Salad, Chips, and Oatmeal Cake. Our Program will be GCMS Head Basketball Coach Ryan Tompkins.