


The German Valley Lions Club wishes to extend an invitation to any interested individual who would like to become a member of our group.

Perhaps you would like to know a little bit about us.

The Lions Club, German Valley’s only service organization, was chartered on April 28, 1980. During the past 40 plus years it has remained true to its Mission Statement, which is “To serve the local community by supporting numerous projects, both physically and monetarily, that will benefit and improve the welfare of the local area and by providing monetary donations to assist the hearing and visually impaired through various programs offered at the local, district, state nation and international levels.”

Its projects include construction of the Ben Miller Park’s small shelter house, the purchase of German Valley’s street signs, construction and operation of the park’s Snack Bar, just to name several.

Sponsorship the of the annual German Valley Days Festival, coordination of the Summer Recreation Program for area youth, sponsorship of an annual Easter Egg Hunt, awarding of $500 scholarship to a graduating Forreston High School Senior, and most recently conducting Drive-Thru Supper fundraisers tells you a bit about the work we do.

The club makes monetary donations to deserving causes, too numerous to mention, from those made to local needs to the support of the visually and hearing impaired and its newest endeavor, aid to those with childhood cancer.

We are a cordial, goal oriented, hard working group that fits the description offered by then International Director Phil Tom of Des Plaines when he spoke at the club’s 20th Anniversary Observance. He focused his thought on the meaning of “commitment”. “Commitment is working together in harmony,” he said. “Service is the tie that binds us together as Lions”. In all we do, the Lions Motto, “We Serve”, is first and foremost.

Remember, the door is always open.





February 13, 2025 at Silver Creek Church German Valley


Combined Meeting Called to Order


New Member Inducted

Sponsor Bob Ebbesmeyer, Member Kris Mulder, GV President Aaron Rogers


Good Food, Conversation, and a chance on a 50-50 Ticket


Guest Speaker Past District Governor, Duane Collman




Meeting Notice 2/13/25

Note time and place change


GV Lions Holiday Decorating Contest 2024

Congratulations to our winners!  

1st - Kristine & Eric Bergen, 2nd - Heidi & Robert Ganz and

3rd - Robin & Jeff Kerchner.

Thank you to all who participated.  German Valley looked great!







Installation of 2024 officers and board by PDG Duane Collman

Lions International LEADERSHIP AWARD presented to

Nick Williams by PDG Duane Collman


Joint Fund Raiser with Leaf River Lions Club

GV Lions helped serve Chicago Style Hot Dogs at Mt Morris Music Festival on 7-12-24


KEY AWARDS for opening the door of Lionism to individuals.  Donna Smith (5) and Gene Fox (2)



March 30, 2024 Easter Egg Hunt at Ben Miller Park


Regular Meeting March 18, 2024

Pride of The Community Award

The “Pride of the Community Award” was presented to Shawn Gallagher for his membership on the German Valley Village Board, on the Forrestville Valley School Board, for his involvement  in the addition off the new Ben Miller Park Playground, his help in the planning of German Valley Days and other services.

He is pictured with Lion Carlene Downs, his nominator, and Beth Watter, German Valley Lions President.  


Club Members filling Easter Eggs for upcoming hunt



Regular meeting January 18, 2024



District Governor Duane Collman related activities within our district and upcoming projects





Regular Meeting July 20, 2023 Meeting at Ben Miller Park

Past District Governor Russ Sarver of Durand inducted new members Janel and James P Ganz, shown with their sponsors, Beth and Nik Watter.

Newly elected Board of Directors 


Congratulatory balloons presented to new

District 1-D Governor Duane Collman by President Beth Watter



July 14, 2023

Duane Collman received a Melvin Jones Fellowship.

Beth Watter and Nick Williams received the Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellowship.


Regular meeting 6-15-23 at Ben Miller Park

Guest Speakers: Deputy Josh Garrett and K9 Propan of the Stephenson County Sheriff Dept.

1-D DGE Duane Collman provided and served grilled dinner.

Volunteers are requested for Pop Shack and GV Days.

Slate of officers take positions as of July 1, 2023.


Meeting 5-18-23

Speaker Robert Plock, PDG and PCC provided club historical information and anecdotes.  Services provided and project highlights were included.

Induction of new member Greg Crocker, pictured with Sponsor Bill Crocker and Duane Collman,

1st Vice District Governor and Club President


Volunteers are needed to staff the Pop Shack at Ben Miller Park during baseball games.  Electronic signup for openings is at

At the signup page, scroll down to see the openings and add your name.



Regular Meeting April 20, 2023

Guest speaker PDG, Ron Fruit, representing  of Lions Clubs of Illinois Foundation with Duane Collman, District Governer-Elect, District 1D








German Valley Lions are selling spring bulbs. We need your help to allow us to continue to serve our community. Each purchase will directly ship to the purchaser. Thank you for supporting the German Valley Lions.

 2023 SPRING FUNDRAISER Click this link to view and order:



March 16, 2023 Regular Club Meeting

Duane Collman, 1st Vice District Governor Elect performs induction of new member Melissa Watter, with her sponsor, Lion Beth Watter; Kathy Reckert with her sponsor Lion Gene Fox.


Ever wonder how that candy gets into those Easter Eggs?  Look closely at the Lions Eggs.



March 18, 2023 at 4:30pm

Combined GV Lions & Lions Boosters German Soup Supper and GV Firefighters Soup Supper.
Two of your favorites coming together for one supper. The GV Lions & Lions Boosters German Soup Supper and the GV Firefighters Soup Supper.
Soups- Chili, Chicken Noodle soup, Sauerkraut soup, Split Pea soup, and Potato soup
Along with Grilled cheese sandwiches and dessert. Adults $10 - Kids $5 kids under 3 free.
Better come hungry!


Regular Meeting December 15, 2022 and Christmas Party

Robert Plock bestows historic Distric Governor pocketknife gift to Duane Collman, 1st Vice District Governor Elect and German Valley Lions Club President

Beth Watter receives Key Award from Lions International for sponsoring two or more new members

Duane Collman, 1st Vice District Governor Elect performs induction of new member Spencer Kelsey, pictured with his sponsor, Lion Gene Fox


Christmas Party Gift Exchange provides enjoyment for the evening




GV Lions Hall Updates Filing and Gets Reorganized December 1, 2022




Regular Meeting Thusday November 17 6:30pm at Lions Hall

Past District Governor Robert E. Plock making the introduction of the speaker


Past District Governor, Past International Director, Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, Progressive Foundation Fellow Russ Sarver of Durand speaks to the group. 

Lion Sue Sarver tells the group interesting facts about Helen Keller.

PDG Russ Sarver performs the induction of new member Cathy Kohlbauer, pictured with her sponsor, Lion Donna Smith


Regular Club Meetiing Thursday 10/20/22 6:30pm

Presentation by FHN Nurses 

Real life experiences and information about Childhood Cancer


                                   Deb Bremmer                                         Kaydra Heller


Regular Club Meeting Thusday 9/15/22 6:30pm at Ben Miller Park

Stephenson County K9 Unit     Officer Garrett and K9 Propan




The German Valley Lions participate in the Lions of Illinois annual Candy Day Fundraiser on the second weekend in October.  You will find us at the Drive Thru Fundraiser on October 8 seeking donations for the Lions of Illinois Foundation and passing out candy as well.

Do you wonder what the money is for?  Here is your answer.  The monies are collected as a fundraiser for the Lions of Illinois Foundation.  This foundation was put together by Lions from all over our state to provide services that were desperately needed.  At least 60% of the monies collected must go to this foundation. The Lions of Illinois Foundation Is a non- profit charitable organization and the means used by your Lions Club to provide statewide services for the blind and deaf. It was founded July I, 1974, is registered with the office of the Illinois Attorney General, and qualifies as a tax-exempt organization.  Through the Foundation, your community and club benefit from these services:

  1. Infant Hearing Screenings
  2. Camp Lions for Children
  3. Cochlear Implant Program
  4. Camp Lions for Adults
  5. Used Hearing Aid Bank
  6. Lions Low Vision Clinic Jacksonville
  7. Used Eyeglasses/Hearing Aid Collection
  8. Comprehensive Evaluation Low Vision Clinics
  9. Social Services and Referral
  10. Diabetic Eye Center
  11. (Funds for Emergencies) L.I.F.E.
  12. Mobile Diabetic Eye Clinic
  13. Mobile Hearing Services Unit

The local Lions Clubs can keep 40% of the monies collected, but those funds must be used to supply assistance to the visually or hearing impaired.  The German Valley Lions assist children and adults in need of financial assistance with eye exams and prescription eyewear with our Candy Day funds.


Spring Easter Egg Hunt



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