Garnavillo Lions Clubs collects used eyeglasses and hearing aids to be refurbished and help the needy around the world.
You can donate your used eyeglasses or hearing aids by bringing them to The Garnavillo Savings Bank during normal business hours.
Local projects funded through donations from Garnavillo Lions Club
Shelter building in City Park built by Lions Club
Street Signs for entire town
Restroom building in City Park built by Lions Club
Playground equipment in City Park
Lower Playground Shelter and ballfield
“Welcome to Garnavillo” Town signs
Christmas Lights on Main Street
Picnic tables & benches in City Park
New shelves for Garnavillo Public Library
Free glaucoma screening for residents
Playground Equipment in GEM Park in Meier addition
Donations made by Garnavillo Lions Club to support worthy causes
Used eyeglasses donations for needy persons
Funded eyeglasses purchases for needy kids
Sponsorship of Diabetes Camp for local persons
Donated to Leader Dog School for the Blind
Donated to LCIF for Flood relief in Clayton County
Donated to IA Lions Foundation for Eye Bank
Donated to Clayton Ridge Post Prom
Sponsored Peace Poster contest