
Lions Public Health Camp - Meegalewa (Sri Lanka)



  1. Date Held             :           Friday 24th February 2012
  2. Location Held       :           Meegalewa
  3. Cloud Benefited   :           More than 500
  4. Project Value        :           More than US $. 5000/-


  1. To conduct a community welfare project with more benefiters
  2. To facilitate patients suffering from various illnesses who cant afford to get treatments from outside
  3. To uplift the healthcare standard of the area

Specialization of the Health Camp

  1. Pediatric Special
  2. Other Special
  3. Dental
  4. Laboratory Services
  5. Drugs

Health Staff Participated

  1. Pediatricians             -           1
  2. VP                                -           1
  3. Medical Officers        -           8
  4. Nurses                       -           2
  5. Para Medical Staff    -           8
  6. Dentists                     -           2













































































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