We Serve!
The Gainesville Lions Club is rich in tradition and has been generous in service since chartered on October 9, 1934. We give back to our community both monetarily and through volunteer hours from our members.
Gainesville Lions Club Sponsors:
*Eye exams and glasses for uninsured and underinsured
*Hearing screenings and hearing aids for uninsured and underinsured
*Provide toys for Secret Santa program at Chattahoochee Baptist Association
*Good News at Noon Clinics
*Learning Ally (accessibility of material for the blind and dyslexic)
*NGHS Lifeline
*Leader Dogs for the Blind
*Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind
*Service at Camp Kudzu for Children with Diabetes
*Gainesville Parks and Recreation scholorships for youth activities
*Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation
*Collection of eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids, and cell phones
*White Cane Day
Our Fundraisers Include:
*Broom and Mop sales at Hall County Master Garderner's Garden Expo
*Parking for GHS football
*Children's Theatre
*Belk Charity Sale Tickets