Lions Clubs have various forms of recognition that may be awarded to members of their Club. One of the highest forms of recognition is the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. This award is selected by the club and a donation is made in that members name to Lions Clubs International Foundation in order to continue the humanitarian work of Lions.
The Melvin Jones Fellowship Award is the highest form of recognition that embodies humanitarian ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism. Lions Clubs recognizes outstanding individuals by bestowing on them an award that is named for its founder, Melvin Jones.
The Framingham Lions Club is proud to have within our membership individuals that have received the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. They are as follows:
1996 Lion John J. Sullivan *
1996 Lion Gordon A. Skinner *
1997 Lion Alan F. Harrington
2004 Lion Peter J. Friel - PMJF
2006 Lion Mary T. Friel *
2014 Lion Clare F. Friel
2014 Lion William H. McMahon *
2017 Lion Andrea Reine-Wales
2018 Lion Roxana Camporeale
2020 Lion Michael Camporeale
PMJF - Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow
* Deceased