Photo Gallery
2024-25 High-Tech Vision Screening Team - - Left to right Lion John Michalsen, Student Aid Callie Speltz, CFC school nurse Elizabeth Hoffmaster, Lion Russ Andress, Lion Deb Kunkel, Clerical Support Megan Bagniewski, Lion Chuck Mikelson.
FC Lion John Michalsen presents a $1,000.00 check from the club to Dan Wicka at the benefit for Dan's son Zach Wicka. Zach is facing a long recovery after sustaining injuries in a swimming accident.
FC Lions present check to CFC School District Tech Program- L-R Afton Fischer, Deanna Wiersgalla, John Peterson, Becky Weber, and John Michelsen
Fountain City Lions President John Michelsen presents a $1,000.00 check to Jessica Ernst representing the Ernst/Votava Family after they lost their home to a fire.
Members present a donation of $1,000.00 to the Fountain City First Responders. L-R Therese Schaffner, Lion Club Treasurer Al Schmitt, Katie McFarlin, Lion Club President John Michelson, FCFR Service Director Stacey Prieur, Gloria Tullis, Amber Platteter
District 27 E-2 Governor Jay Nesseth and his spouse Stacey visited the Fountain City Lions Club February 20, 2024. After bringing greetings from Lions International, he shared District and State updates, as well as thanks for the clubs ongoing support.
Lion Jim Killian recording scores at our recent golf outing