Lions Purina Walk for Dog Guides
We walk so they can help!
Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask.
June 7th, 2015
2:00 p.m. at the Town Campground.
Contact Ron Cox at 306-332-5231 for more information.
Grab a pledge form and start getting sponsors. or download a form from the internet at
Funds are raised for:
Caninie Vision Dog Guides - for the blind ro visually impaired
Hearing Ear Dog Guides - for the deaf or hard of hearing
Autism Assistance Dog Guides - for children with autism spectrum disorder
Service Dog Guides - for persons with physical disabilities
Seizure Response Dog Guides - for people with epilepsy
Diabetic Alert Dog Guides - for people with Type 1 diabetes with hypoglycemic unawareness
It costs approximately $25,000 to raise, train and place a Dog Guide. All Dog Guides are povided at no cost to qualigying Canadians. Lions Foundation does not receive any government funding, and relies on doantions to meet its mission.
100% of the funds raised goes toward the Six Dog Guide programs. This support goes far in offsetting the high cost of raising, training and placing a Dog Guide, which gives the gift of mobility, security, and independence to Canadians with physical and medical disabilites.
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides' mission is to assist Canadians with a medical or physical disability by providing them Dog Guides at no cost.