ON 12th DECEMBER 2018
Present at Meeting:
President: Margaret Purcell
Members: Val Barton, Denis Bowker, Stuart Gratrix, Pamela Hamilton, Margaret Harris, David Howie, Susan Howie, Paul Keirby, Ann McLoughlin, Fred Riley, Mary Ann Woodman, Jim Woods
Apologies for Absence: Ian Clare, Peter Davies, Donald Macdonald, Rachel Smith, Barbara Woodman
Prior to the start of the Meeting there was a Minutes Silence to remember three fellow Lions
recently passed to Higher Service: Keith Harrison, PDG Norman Boyd MJF and Bob Graham
The President, Lion Margaret Purcell then opened the Meeting and welcomed all the Members
Minutes The Members confirmed that they had all received a copy of the
Minutes of the previous Meeting.
Proposed by: Margaret Harris
Seconded by: Val Barton
Approved by all
President’s Report: Margaret Purcell
President Margaret told the Meeting about the following events she had attended during the month:
15th November Attended Beach Clean with Lions Fred, Dave and Stuart. The Council are planning on putting another Station nearer to the Marine Hall to cut down on the walk
19th November Attended Zone Meeting in Kirkham presided over by Zone Chairman Mary Ann Woodman. Lions Stuart, Denis, Jim and Val also attended. Members booked into Kirkham Lions Charter to be held in January
29th November Prepared Christmas Hampers with Lion Val – aided by Gin and Lemon!!
4th December Dressed Christmas Tree with Lion Fred. No Gin and Lemon!
11th December Attended with Lion Fred at Methodist Church to put up the Christmas tree
President Margaret told the Meeting that she had received a lovely letter and card from Fylde
Coast Women’s Aid thanking the Club for the £250 recently donated. The letter and card
were handed round for Members to read
The President had recently received an e.mail from Fleetwood Civic Society stating they had
funding from Fleetwood Council to enable the Fleetwood Day to go ahead in 2019
She had also received an e.mail with information regarding registering for “Give as you Live”.
She will get in touch with Lion Peter about this and arrange for the Club to be registered so it
can take part
Finally the President said that she looked forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas Party at
the Regal Hotel next week
Secretary’s Report: Denis Bowker
Lion Denis told the Meeting about the DG’s Newsletter with the Club featured
He mentioned the Weekly Digests with appeal for Banner for the Club
Lion Denis also told the Club that following a private donation made to the Club with Nada’s Anniversary in mind he had bought a new President’s Chain of Office complete with Logo etc.
Finally Lion Denis said that the Club had received a Banner Award for increasing membership 2017/2018.
He then mentioned a few matters still pending:
Invitation to Kirkham Lions Charter
3 emails re new District 105CN GDPR/invite to Llandudno Charter/Communication
Convention Booking forms
Delegate and Alternate form for MD Convention in Swansea
Activities Report Val Barton
Lion Val told the Meeting that the Christmas Hampers had all been handed out ready for the various Raffles which had been arranged for the following week. She also mentioned the Christmas Tree which had been decorated and was on display at the Methodist Church Fleetwood. She hoped as many Members as possible would go and see it. She thanked Brian who made the tree, and all those who helped to decorate it. She also informed the Meeting that there would be an Activities Meeting early in the New Year.
LCIF Ian Clare
In his absence Lion Ian had e.mailed his Report – which was read out by President Margaret:
Lion Ian had received an e.mail from LCIF re: Campaign 100. The LCIF Chairman challenged all Lions to donate $100 to LCIF “in order that the Foundation is able to Serve more people re all humanitarian grounds not just natural disasters”.
Lion Ian was of the opinion Lions in the Far East and India were more likely to accept this challenge rather than those in the UK. If any Member does wish to donate to LCIF as an individual person they may do so. He recommended that donations were sent to LCIF via the Club.
Welfare Report Margaret Harris
Lion Margaret reminded the Members about the possibility of having a Diabetes Awareness Day in the New Year. She also informed the Meeting about Doreen Wallwork a Fleetwood resident who was suffering from depression and feeling rather lonely, as her family lived in the south. Lion Margaret had visited with Lion Pamela. They told Doreen that they had arranged for her to go to Manor Beach School on the 18th December for the Christmas party and dinner. Doreen was really pleased to be asked and wanted her thanks be passed on to the Club
Almoner’s Report Paul Keirby
Lion Paul told the Meeting about two Members still “off sick”.
l. Ian Clare continues to progress and looks really well, but he was still having problems with his feet.
2. Barbara Woodman. Barbara had recently been in and out of hospital, and still not up to having visitors. Paul said he will visit in the New Year when she is ready, but Barbara is hoping to come to the Christmas party on the 19th December.
Social Report Ann McLoughlin
Lion Ann told the Meeting that she and Pamela had met up to discuss forthcoming Socials. There are a few in the pipeline:
Thursday 24th January Farmer Parrs – awaiting Menu and cost
Thursday 21st February Murder Mystery at Methodist Church Cleveleys
Hot Pot Supper - (To Die For!!!) – Cost £8 – please bring to January Business Meeting if wishing to go – chance to guess “Who Dun It”!!!
Wednesday 27th March Tiffins at Marsh Mill – Small meal with Speaker (TBA)
Wednesday 1st May Songs from the Shows at Thornton Little Theatre
Members will be notified if there is any change to the above
Publicity Stuart Gratrix
Lion Stuart mentioned the DG’s Newsletter – four photos. Said there had been publicity in other magazines and President Margaret’s photograph was in the Wyre Matters (December edition) in relation to the Beach Clean
Membership Peter Davies
In the absence of Lion Peter there was nothing to report
Youth Peter Davies
In the absence of Lion Peter there was nothing to report
Talking Newspaper Date of next meeting: 7th January 2019
Tail Twister Fred Riley
Collected from Members who had “sinned”
Raffle Margaret Harris
60s Club Two draws for December
(a) Peter Davies
(b) Brian Purcell
(c) Cyril Layland
(d) James E Woods
Diary Dates
19th December Christmas Dinner at The Regal Hotel, Cleveleys
9th January Business Meeting
19th January Kirkham Charter
24th January Social – Farmer Parrs Fleetwood
13th February Business Meeting
23rd February Llandudno Charter
4/5th May MD Convention
Stuart Gratrix Thanked those Members for filling the “Supper Socks”
Mary Ann Woodman DBS Meeting postponed till New Year
Jim Woods Mentioned the passing of Lion Keith Harrison. Lion Jim had sent a card on behalf of the Club
Fred Riley Asked Members for help transporting the bottles of wine to the Regal Hotel for the Christmas party raffle on the 19th December
Pamela Hamilton ) Said Lion Ian Clare was hoping to help with their Christmas
Denis Bowker ) Hamper Raffles at Wetherspoons and River Wyre respectively
Nothing to Report from the remaining Members present at the Meeting
Toast to Lions Clubs International
Close of Business: 8.50 p.m.
Fleetwood & Cleveleys Lions
Christmas Tree on display at
Fleetwood Methodist Church
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.