

The GBV Safe House

The Fish Hoek Lions Club supports the local GBV Safe House, a home for women affected by Gender Based Violence, by donating food, clothing, and offering support where needed.  Donations of food, cleaning materials, clothing and toiletry items by members of the public are always very welcome.


Sinethemba Christmas Shoe Box Project

Sinethemba is a school for mentally and physically challenged children in Masiphumele. The Lions give Christmas Shoe Boxes to the children at the school’s annual year end party in December.  Shoe boxes are filled with suitable toys, toiletries and clothing items, wrapped in bright Christmas paper and presented to the children by Father Christmas.  Donations towards the filling of these boxes with suitable age-appropriate items are welcomed.

Other Projects you can get involved in:

1. Annual Easter Eggs for underprivileged children

2. Annual Colour Run Fund raiser for our partners at Reach for a Dream Foundation. 

3. Christmas in July. A wonderful day for the elderly who are treated with a lunch and some gifts. 

4. Environmental Projects where we carry out area clean ups as well as planting of tress. 

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