Photo Gallery
Presidents Day Flag Project 2025
Vision Screening at Owl Creek School. Screened 35 pre-k kids for any vision issues.
Lion President John L Colbert leading our 2023-2024 Planning Meeting
Lions attending the 2023-2024 Planning Meeting
Recent recipients for Lions Club service awards: L to R: Aaron Edwards, Silver Cane Award; Mary Tomlinson, Dahlstrom Award, Silver Cane Award; Sydney Bailey, Dahlstrom Award; Danny Walters, Lion of the Year; Bill Shackelford, Chairman of the Awards Comm
Lion President Rick McKinney presenting a mug to guest speaker Tim Scott. Tim is the Assistant Park Superintendent at Devils Den State Park.
Fayetteville Lions Club 2022 Yard Sale
L to R: Lion Ruth Cohoon, Lion President Danny Walters, Jean Rosso accepting Silver Cane award For her late husband, John Rosso, and their daughter Karen Rosso.
L to R: Lion Mary Tomlinson, Sharon Gray, accepting the Silver Cane award for her late husband, Lt. Col. Steve Gray, and Lion Danny Walters, Lions Club President.
Lion John L Colbert Meeting Presentation 03/17/21