President | Lion Arun Gupta |
9818102784 |
First V.President | Lion Virender Walia |
Second V.President | Lion Vinod Aggarwal |
Secretary | Lion Ashutosh Mittal |
Treasurer | Lion Harish Gupta |
9810081708 |
Club Administrator | Lion Jai Prakash Bansal |
9313554083 |
Past President & Membership Chair |
Lion Rajesh Gupta |
9811019681 |
LCIF Coordinator | Lion Anurag Gupta |
9999767507 |
Service Chairperson | Lion Ms Anju Gupta |
Marketing Comm Chair | Lion Ms Nisha Garg |
9811007102 |
Director | Lion O.P.Bansal |
9312634382 |
Director | Lion Suresh Aggarwal |
9810002753 |
Director | Lion Suresh Garg |
9811045608 |
Director | Lion S.S.Jain |
9810002746 |
Director | Lion H.G.Tantia |
9810126322 |
Director | Lion Sunil Aggarwal |
9311340400 |
Director | Ravinder Goyal |
9810292468 |
Director | Rajender Bansal |
9810008492 |
Director | Lion Anand Gupta |
9312436154 |
Director | Lion Ashok Jain |
9212016011 |
Director | Lion Niranjan Aggarwal |
9818102784, |
Director | Lion K.C.Garg |
Director | Lion Anil Gupta |
9891015040 |
Director | Lion Anil Gupta |
9810126021 |
Guiding Lion | Lion R.K.Bansal |
9818646501 |
Family Member | Lion Nirmal Bansal |
Family Member | Lion Usha Bansal |
Family Member | Lion Shashi Jain |
Family Member | Lion Nirmala Bansal |
Family Member | Lion Kanta Bansal |
Family Member | Lion Kusum Gupta |
Family Member | Lion Pushpa Gupta |
Family Member | Lion Sunita Walia |
Becoming a Member
Membership in a Lions Club is by invitation only. Through membership, Lions not only help people in need, but they have opportunities to develop personal friendships and gain valuable leadership skills which can be used in their work or in their personal lives.
Please feel free to browse through our site. You can find information on who we are and what we do to serve those in need. More specifically, you can find information on the activities and events our Club takes part in, as well as a schedule of upcoming events. If you have any questions about our Club or services we provide, please contact us,.