
Welcome to the Fanshawe Lions Club. 

The Fanshawe Lions Club is seeking a few good people to serve the community in what ever capacity it can. The Lions motto is We Serve and we seek to live up motto. Right now, we are in the process of growing we're looking for a reason to be (a need to fill) and a few good people who want to be involved in filling that need. 

About The Lions Clubs:

Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization. We have 1.35 million members in more than 45,000 clubsin more than 206 countries and geographic areas.

Lions have a dynamic history. Founded in 1917, we are best known for fighting blindness, but we also volunteer for many different kinds of community projects - including caring for the environment, feeding the hungry and aiding seniors and the disabled.

Lions give sight. By conducting vision screenings, equipping hospitals and clinics, distributing medicine and raising awareness of eye disease, Lions work toward their mission of providing vision for all. We have extended our commitment to sight conservation through countless local efforts and through our international SightFirst Program, which works to eradicate blindness.

Lions help during disasters. Together, our Foundation and Lions are helping communities following natural disasters by providing for immediate needs such as food, water, clothing and medical supplies – and aiding in long-term reconstruction.

Lions are active. Our motto is "We Serve." Lions are part of a global service network, doing whatever is necessary to help our local communities.

Back to The Fanshawe Lions Club:

If you want to be part of this great organization and the legacy of helping others that goes along with it and you go to fanshawe college, Please come out to our next meeting. 

The Door is Open;

The London Fanshawe Lions Campus Club


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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