We just celebrated or 80th Anniversary on December 4, 2008 in Fairview, Oklahoma. The honored speaker at our celebration was Past International President Jimmy Ross.
Fairview Lion's was chartered with 20 members, including two transfer members and two honorary members. The club met at a place called the "Rest Room" on North Main Street. The cost of the meals was $.45 per member. The club has met in several locations since that time and is presently meeting at the American Legion Hall at 124 East Central, Fairview, OK.
Fairview, Oklahoma Lion's was Chartered June 28,1928. The speaker for the charter night was Dr. Eugene S. Briggs, who was the time was President of Phillips University in Enid, Ok. Dr. Briggs later became Lion's International President.
Fairview Lions Club Charter Members
Oliver V. Beal Cecil Cofer
C.C. Davis N.J. Eddington
M.D. Green Rev. A.H. Harris
Geo. E. Keck Floyd A. Marshall
Kenneth Mathis Fred Pool
Ruben Patkowsky Harry Randall
Sol. L. Riffel Charles E. Seese
Charles Slack Malcolm Smith
D.M. Strickland Carl L. Ticer
Cleveland Weaver Leslie Cl. White
H. Clay White Tom Willis
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.